Chapter 1: 150240

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{Chapter 1} Book 1: Aaliya

Aaliya, A girl which had carefully taken care of Aviana as if she were her older sister was getting adopted

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Aaliya, A girl which had carefully taken care of Aviana as if she were her older sister was getting adopted. Obviously, Aviana was a mess. As Aaliya and their Mom stood at the door, all the children cried, but Aviana was crying the most. Emma was hugging the girl close, trying to comfort her even if there were tears in her own emerald eyes.

Aaliya looked towards the two 6-year-olds sadly, knowing that this was her death. She looked towards Isabella who was smiling slightly, though she could see the sadness in Isabella's eyes. So she didn't really want to do this, huh?

''Hey, Mom...'' She said. ''Can I give something to Aviana really quick?'' She asked the moment before they left. Isabella smiled softly and nodded. Aaliya walked up to the sobbing 6-year-old girls and tapped Aviana's Shoulder. The girl looked up, her face a mess. It was Puffy, red and her nose was runny as Tears still fell down her face.

Aaliya smiled brightly to the girl, caressing her cheek. ''Don't cry, Avi. We'll meet again, don't worry.'' She said as she reached around to the back of her neck, unclasping something before showing it to Aviana. Aviana instantly recognized it. It was a Dandelion Seed Wish Necklace and within the Dandelion seeds was a butterfly shaped gem that connected the two of them, the color of it was a gradient of Blue and Pink, their two favorite colors. ''But, Ali-'' Aviana was about to say, but Aaliya cut her off. ''Don't worry about a thing, okay Avi? Live a long life, okay?'' She said as she closed the necklace around her neck. Aviana held her tears back once again before nodding and hugging the 12-year-old tightly. With that, Isabella and Aaliya were gone. But Aviana remembered something that she meant to give to Aaliya.

About 20 seconds after the two left, Aviana took the ribbon that was in her hair out, the fabric was pink in color. It was her favorite accessory. She ran out the door, ignoring the protests of the older kids.

''Mom! Aaliya! Wait!'' She called out as she saw the two people slightly in front of her. The two stopped, Isabella was shocked to see the girl whilst Aaliya was scared. ''Aviana, You shouldn't be near the gate.'' Isabella told her softly.

''I know, But I wanted to give something to Liya before she left, is that okay?'' She asked. Isabella sighed, but nodded. Aaliya noticed something was missing on the girl. ''Hey, Avi, Where's your-'' ''Here! for you! As a symbol to say that we will meet in the future again! I promise!'' Aviana said, interrupting her as she held out the ribbon carefully. Aaliya smiled brightly.

Aviana gently grabbed her friend's wrist and started to wrap the ribbon around it, tying it in a perfect bow in the middle when she was done. She looked up to the 12-year-old and smiled, saying ''We'll meet again in the future and go to the beach together!'' She then held out her pinky as a way to seal the promise of completing her friend's dream with her. Aaliya wrapped her own small, but still bigger pinky around the younger girl's before smiling and pressing their thumbs together. ''And seal it with a kiss!'' They both yelled out. Aviana's smile slowly fell off her face before she jumped up and hugged the older girl's neck, hiding her face. ''Have fun and don't forget me and our promise, Liya!'' The older girl smiled before lifting her wrist up. ''With this ribbon, how could I possibly forget?''

Isabella, who was watching the whole interaction, felt a tear roll down her cheek. She looked away before wiping it away. Quietly sniffing, Isabella turned around and sadly smiled at the youngest of the three. ''Aviana, You better head back now.'' Aviana nodded before turning away and running a few feet away. 

She turned back around and lifted her arm, waving it with a bright smile on her face. ''Goodbye, Aaliya! I'll miss you! And remember! I love you!'' She said.

''I love you too, Aviana! Grow up happy, okay!'' Aaliya yelled back. Seeing Aviana nod, Aaliya smiled before turning to Isabella. ''Hey... Mom? Can you make sure that Aviana lives a happy life up until she's 12?'' Isabella's eyes widened before she nodded and lead the girl into the gate, away from the 6-year-old who was running home.

Taking a deep breath, Aaliya looked up to the thing that was now in front of her. Feeling an excruciating pain in her chest, she smiled whilst thinking 'Live a long, happy life, Aviana, Emma. Escape this hell before either of you get shipped out.'' And with that, she felt the blood be drained from her body due to the flower in her chest. She died with a smile on her face, with the memories of Her, Aviana and Emma running around with smiles.


When Aviana got back, she saw Emma, the only one who she had told her plan to seconds before she left, who ran up to the shorter girl and asking ''How'd it go?'' Aviana smiled brightly. ''We promised to see each other in the future and go to the beach. We even sealed it with a Kiss! She said that my ribbon will help her to remember!'' Emma smiled at the cheerful girl.

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