Day 1(PART 2) Spikey

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(Zayns POV)

I suddenly stop laughing at the giggling girls in their seats when another girl with chocolate brown hair walks in, and freezes as soon as she sees me.

Her face is a mixture of bored and angry.

She sighs and walks to her seat in the back, right behind the one I sit in.

The teacher just got done explaining the rules and where I'll sit, when she walked in.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zayn Malik from One Direction." I put on my best smile as all the girls scream.

All except one.

And I don't know her name.

"You there," I point to her and all heads turn with my finger. Some people groan and others glare at her. She looks up, startled. "What's your name?"

She points to herself and I nod my head. "Mia." What a beautiful name.


(Mia's POV)

He stares at me in shock as he fixes his hair and finally goes to take his seat.

So I put my head back down and begin to write my poem again. Only to be interrupted by someone intensely staring into my soul.

I look up to match a pair of brown eyes looking back at me with curiosity.

I look to my right then back to him in awkwardness. If that's even a word...

"Stop staring at's creepy!" I shout at him but so only he can hear.

His eyebrows raise immediately and he shakes his head. Only to turn back around and stare straight ahead as if in thought.

I look down at the white blank sheet of computer paper with the red ink on top of it.

I read the words through my head over and over again:

"Try too hard and you'll get no where
but try your best and you will get there.

Love and hope is all you need
To be happy and succeed!


Love..nope. Don't have any of that. the last thing I'd ever have.

I don't know why I write these things if they don't even relate to me or even help me in any way.

The next thing I see, is my paper being lifted off my desk and into the hands of spikey.

Yep. There's his new nickname.

Now we have Curly and Spikey.

Three more to go I guess.

Wait! He has my poem!

I attempt to reach my arm around his large head but end up smacking the side of his face lightly.

He turns back around to me and smiles wide. "I love this poem, Mia. But I don't think I like you hitting my face."

A smirk plays on his lips just like Curly.

I groan and snatch my paper back from his hands. "Whatever." I mumble.

...I hate today...and it hasn't even barely started yet...


(Zayn's POV)

She hit me...

Lightly, but still hit me!

I knew she was probably reaching for the paper.

But she's the weirdest girl I've ever met! Why isn't she going crazy like everyone else?

Besides the boys. Haha!

But it us weird. Its like she doesn't know who we are...

I look back once more and her eyes lock with mine.

Huh. She has light blue eyes like Niall's.


Wait what?

"Alright, can anyone finish this advanced geometry, college leveled problem from last night's homework?" I looked up to see the teacher pointing to a series of numbers, letters, formulas and advanced equations on the white board.

I guess someone raised their hand because she called on the person, and I felt a figure fly by me.

The person walked up to the board and began. completing the master problem in only three minutes.


When she turned around after finishing it, I froze just like she did before.


OK. I have a really big soft spot for smart girls.

And she is one heck of a smart alec.

Even the teacher died of excitement...not literally though.

"Very good Miss. Lovington! In the past three years I've had students attempt this problem, only one other person ever has succeeding in getting it right in the Eleventh grade!"

She's a bit too happy, I think.

But I wouldn't blame her, because Mia is smart, beautiful, and amazing. No wonder half the guys at school look at her all the time.

As she gives Miss Simmons a friendly smile, she heads back to her desk.

Did I mention that it's behind mine? (Insert Smiley icon here)

I turned around, for what seemed the fourth time today, and gave her my award winning smile. "Wow, that's impressive! Where did you learn college leveled problems?" I ask her, still smiling like an idiot.

"Practice." She shrugs her shoulders.

"You're so beautiful--"

Her eyebrows rose in wonder and shock and I slapped my hand over my mouth.


I turn back around in my seat, blushing furiously and hiding my head in my arms.

I hate myself right now.


(Mia's POV)

After math, my mind raced from one thought to the next.


That's the biggest one.

Is it a famous club? Bar? Show?

and 2 out of the five already think I'm beautiful or crazy!


I sigh in frustration as I walk down the lunch line and grab a water, pizza, cheeseburger, strawberries, green beans, a salad and some tomatoes. Not to mention a red bull.

Don't judge me...

I pay for the food and sit at my regular table only to look up and see a guy with blonde hair and a tray filled with various foods and desserts.

Oh wow. I found my food twin!


I sowwy it was short and crappy but I tried LOL xD

BTW: Guess who's next xD I make it way too obvious.

Love ya guys!

-MewMeee xoxo <3

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