Stained with Crimson Blood

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That Night...

I had put James down and me and Robb had fallen asleep that was until i heard A Smash of Glass and i heard James Cry..

I jumped up and when i went to James room which was right next to us when i exited mine and Robbs room I saw all the Guard Dead the ones that guarded James door also the ones outside mine and Robbs I screamed which Woke Robb and Probably the whole of Kings Landing i Ran into James room to find him no longer sleeping soundly in his cot He was Missing By that point i was drenched in tears all i saw what the Snow globe of Winterfell that was now on the floor smashed on the floor I figured that's what i heard smash that's when Robb ran in and saw and pulled me into a hug he wrapped a clock around me and then we saw Sansa coming she seemed calm until she saw the guards dead bodies she ran down the corridor when she saw the nursery "Omg. go get dress you to ill get Joffrey don't worry James is going to be okay "She ran back to get Joffrey i Presumed and me and Robb when and got dressed as quickly as we could

 go get dress you to ill get Joffrey don't worry James is going to be okay "She ran back to get Joffrey i Presumed and me and Robb when and got dressed as quickly as we could

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The Bells Went off around 10 minutes after i found my baby boy James missing. The bells were rang 13 times which meant everyone needs to get to the throne room immediately Everyone was already there when we arrived with me i bought James Blanket i had wrapped him in that night which once was white now stained in crimson red blood as soon as i walked in i was ingulfed in a hug by sansa my eyes still teary and red from the tears no one knew why they where there not even Cersei that was until she saw the blanket stained with blood with the Initials J.S embraided in them "W-where's J-James" she asked "That's why your all here "Joffrey began "He's Missing earlier tonight all the guards outside his door where found dead and he was missing from his nursery" everyone gasp i look around just incase anyone here had taken him for what ever reason then i notice some who isn't here a confused look that comes over my face i turn to wispier into my Mothers ear "Where's Lord Baelish" My mother looked around the room before piping up "Joffrey Where is Lord Baelish" Joffrey is confused but then realized that's when a servant came in with a letter..

Isabelle LannisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang