Special announcement

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8 weeks after wedding

I had confirmed it  i was with child all i had to do was tell Robb...

It was time for dinner i had put on a stunning baby blue dress on ^

I heard a knock at the door then Robb walked in "You look beautiful" he said as he came over and gave me a kiss "After dinner i have some news id like to share with everyone" I said trying not to give it away, Robb looked at me rather confused as if he had no clue what was going to happen.

After Everyone had finished eating (it was only the starks)

I stood up everyone's eyes were glued on me "I have an announcement to make ... I am with child!!"I say with a smile on my face tears in my eyes. Robb Just stares at me then my stomach "I'm going to be a father...." he mouth gaping open he then stood up and picked me up and spun me round while i let out a little chuckle as soon as i was on the ground again i was pulled into a massive hug buy Lady Catelyn "Ahh I'm going to be a grandmother ", "If you excuse me I'm going to go and write to my brother the king and my mother.

Dearest Brother , 

                                    I have some Amazing news that I hope you share with the rest of our family I am with  child I am writing to you just after I have told Robb and the rest of my family here I hope you are doing well and I hope your being as nice and kind to Sansa as you have been with me I Hope to bring my Child along with us when we come to your Wedding in 10 months time .

Your Loving, 

                          Sister Lady Isabelle Stark

Joffrey's POV

"OH MY LORD" I was reading the letter from my sister  while sitting n my Iron throne with my mother sitting next to my "What is it Joffrey?" Mother asked me "Its Isabelle mother she's with child and she says she hopes to Bring it to my wedding and she asked for us t tell the rest of the family here in Kingslanding " I responded  "Well Guard go get the rest of the Family " Cersei Ordered.  

A couple minutes later Jamie, Tommen, Myrcella, Tyrion and Tywin Lannister came into the Throne room.

"I Guess your all a little confused on why i have called you hear but we have some Special news all the way from my Sister Lady Winterfell" I started before my mother cut me of "Isabelle is with child and we are going to meet her child  at Joffrey and Sansa's wedding " everyone's mouth dropped open Jamie and Tyrion looked at each "I'm  gonna be uncles Joffrey smiled and then  Tywin   looked at Cersei and walked  up and pulled her into a hug "you'll make an amazing Grandmother".

Isabelle LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now