Late night Training

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That night after everyone was in bed

Isabelle Pov

I pulled on some black trousers and light grey tunic I walked in the corridor as lightly as possible till i made it down to the Training area I walked passed Robb and his friend Theon thinking there to drunk to see me i was wrong

Robb's Pov

"Hey Theon, i think the Princess is up to something she just tried to sneak pasted us lets follower her" They both go off after her when they find her at the training area. Isabelle hit straight Dead in the middle of the target with her bow and arrow "Wow" Theon said in a medium level voice

Isabelle Pov

I heard Theon and the I went to fire another shot at the target but i quickly turned round and hit the tree right next to Robb's head "Its not polite to spy on a lady do you knw Theon and hello to you to Robb" I said while rolling my eyes "Your really good where did you learn to shoot like that " asked Theon Quite exited "When you grow up with liars and snakes its always handy to know a few trick's of your own" I answer 

"Anyway I'm going to bed as its getting late goodnight Robb and goodnight Theon"

As i made my way up to my bedroom i realized my Handmaiden must have gone to bed so i get changed into my Night gown and fell asleep.

The Next Morning

I awoke to some Chaos outside my bedroom door so i Jumped out of bed and put on a lovely gown and did my blonde hair in a braided bun . 

I walked to the Dining Hall and then i realized we were having Breakfast with the Stark family following close behind me was My Golden Labrador Henry we both walked into the Hall all eyes were on me and then Henry and then me again i was a little ...

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I walked to the Dining Hall and then i realized we were having Breakfast with the Stark family following close behind me was My Golden Labrador Henry we both walked into the Hall all eyes were on me and then Henry and then me again i was a little curios my father seemed nervous i sat in the only available seat which so happened to be in between Theon and Robb while eating dinner  Theon Robb and I talked about the Event of last night and  asked about how id been trained. 

Everyone was practically finished eating when my father and Ned stark stood up and caught everyone's attention "We have a big announcement we have decide to unite the House of Lannister, Baratheon and Stark and also so we have a blood relation to the starks   we have decide that  Joffrey will marry Sansa " Sansa practically fainted at the thought of marrying my brother she loved him it was so obvious my mother gasp so did my brother "Also My daughter Isabelle will Marry Robb stark Heir to Winterfell" My mother and brother stood up while i just sat there staring at my father trying to process  my mother yelled "no way is Isabelle going to marry him " Joffrey nodded his head in agreement  everyone was to busy listening and being in shocked that when my mother turned t my chair i was no longer in it all of a sudden there was a slam from where the Dining hall doors had slammed shut after i had left my mother and Brother both left after me.

I went out to the Archery course and  i was shooting the target when i saw my Henry come bolting towards me i knelt down and scooped him up into a big cuddle then i saw Arya and Bran  come running over to me s i put henry back down and put my bow and arrows down too. "i cant believe that your going to marry Robb i mean your to good for him i mean he's just Robb"  i started to laugh when i realized that Robb was Arya as she said it "Thanks for that Arya know why don't you and Bran go and talk to Sansa about her being queen " He replied. Once they where gone  i look down at my feet not knowing what to do he just pulled me into a hug the hug lasted a good 30 seconds " i created something for you Isabelle" he handed me a canvas with the words "Winter Roars Fury " "that will be our new motto is a mixture of the starks 'winter is coming ' the Lannister 'hear me roar' and the Baratheon 'ours is the fury' " he said proudly       " oh Robb its Amazing i love it " she goes to kiss him on the lips but stops right as there lips are about to collide Robb then pushes his lips on to mine. 

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