The kidnaping

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Back at Y/n's pov

It's been a while I think I have one more day left till I'm allowed to walk. Ranboo comes in to check on me to see if I need anything, and sometimes he will sit with me as I explain my dreams to him. He always says they sound so real. Some of the dreams are nice but then others are terrible and sometimes I don't even dream. All have the dreams have been related to that horrible egg. "Y/n? You up?"
You looked around and saw Ranboo standing in the doorway. "Yeah I'm up."
You said wishing you weren't. You had a terrible dream and you were up late thinking about it. "Do you wanna talk about anything?"
He asked. You nodded. He came around and sat down on a chair next to the sofa you were lying on. "I'm all ears."
You pushed yourself up so that your back was straight and looked at him. You took a deep breath as started to talk.

"Well um... I was lying here actually and Bad and a guy called Ant came barging in. They scoped me up and put a cloth to my mouth and then I was in the same obsidian box near the egg. It went by so quick but the dream went on like forever. I mean it wasn't that bad of a dream it was just scary I guess."
Ranboo looked at you and said, "Well you don't have to worry about a thing cause we are all here and we will protect you no matter what."
And with that he gave you a quick smile. You returned it. It was silent for a bit before Ranboo said something."Sooooo..... do you want any breakfast?"
You laughed and said, "Sure that sounds great."
He left to go get you your food. After a few minutes you got your phone and fiddled around with the case of it. There was a knock on the door. "Come in."
You said looking up to see who it is, it was Phil. He was holding a plate of (what ever breakfast you like) he handed it to you. "Thanks Phil." 
It was your favorite. "I was getting some bandages last night because Techno cut himself while makes some food and I saw you thrashing, and I wanted to ask is everything ok? Like have your nightmares gone down?"
You wanted to lie and say no but you didn't want him to find out and be disappointed in you so you just shook your head. "Anything you wanna talk about?"
You shook your head again. You didn't feel like talking about anything, but you still felt bad so you said, "I've told Ranboo all of these things. So if you really want to know then you can go and talk to Ranboo. I just don't wanna explain it twice. Sorry, and the same goes for Techno if he wants to know then just ask you or Ranboo."
Phil nodded.
"Well I will be in the basement just text me if you need anything."
You nodded. Phil walked out of the room. You were alone but you felt someone watching you. You looked around and saw a little bit of a white cloak. You got scared for a little bit when you remember your in a snowy area so it was probably just snow. You laid your head back on the sofa staring out the window. You could watch a movie but you didn't feel like it. You just felt like sitting there. The you saw another white blur along with a brown one. You knew for sure something was up. You pushed yourself up so that your legs were off of the sofa. You went to stand when you remembered you still had one more day. You sank back down but you strained you neck to try and see if you can see anything else. All of a sudden you heard the door creak open. You grabbed your phone and began texting Phil.

Phil I think someone is here please come quick

Alright I'm on my way

You looked up from your phone to see Bad again, but this time he was with another person. "Well hello there Y/n."
You started to scream but like in your dream they put a cloth up to your mouth. You tried kicking to get away but it was no use. Everything went black. You felt nothing whatsoever. It was a nice feeling. You felt free.

Phil's Pov

I ran a quick as I could up to where Y/n was staying. I heard a person whispering. I ran even quicker. I finally got there and to my horror Y/n was gone. I ran around looking to see where she went. I saw a pair of fresh footprints. "TECHNO RANBOO COME QUICK Y/N IS GONE!!!!!!!!"
They both came running. "WHAT WHAT HAPPENED PHIL!"
Said Techno searching around Y/n's room. I looked up at Techno and began to speak, "Techno th-"
"Oh nonononononono. It's not real. It can't be real. It's not possible. How? How could she do that? It's impossible. It's impossible......"
I looked at Ranboo. "Ranboo what is going on?"
"In-n-n Y-Y-/n's dream.... she, she dreamt that, that Ant and Bad took her. That they drugged her and took her t-to the egg. To t-the egg. THE EGG! IF HER DREAM IS CORRECT THEN SHE MUST BE AT THE EGG!"
Ranboo started to take off running. "Well if by some chance the dream is real then we need to get to the egg."
Said Techno grabbing a horse for us. We rode off to the egg and to find Ranboo. Eventually we found Ranboo so I let him ride on my horse while Techno lead the way.

Back at Y/n's Pov

You eventually woke up from your amazing sleep you thought you were at Phil's place so you jumped up happy to be on your feet again but when you jumped up you banged you head against a hard rock. "What the heck!"
You looked up and saw the obsidian. You started to panic not knowing what happened. Then you remembered. They kidnaped you. You looked around and sure enough you saw the terrifying egg. You knew that sooner or later one of them would come for you. You just didn't know who. You hoped it was that other person because they seamed a lot nicer. You didn't know what to do so you buried you head in between you knees and just waited for someone anyone you hated being alone. When ever you where alone your thoughts would always take over. Your mind would go far down making up things just causing really bad chaos. "Hello Y/n is that you?"
You wiped your head around it was your brother. Your sweet sweet younger brother. "Ash?"
He nodded his head. You couldn't quite see him well because of the egg but all you wanted to hear was his voice. "Wait wait wait wait this isn't real.....

You not real.......

You mind was racing.

He's not real

He can't be

He died

Or did he

Did my parents lie?

You had so many questions then as soon as it started it ended you saw Matt disappear. You cried into your legs for a while just needing someone or something to distract you.

"You seem sad why is that...."
You looked up to see where the voice came from. Was it your mind again? "I'm right her Y/n...."
You saw nobody but the raspy voice came from someone right where the egg is. "S-surely not. No it's my mind again."
You said in disbelief that the egg could talk. "Why are you so shocked I can talk......"
You screamed at the egg. You knew it was hopeless since the egg hand no hands so you just crawled back into a corner farthest away from the egg. "You know Y/n...... you seem like a very good person I think you should join me Y/n........ join me and together we will rule the world and when my time comes for me to hatch....... you will be the first person I would want to see. The face of the person who is going to rule with me......."
"N-n-no no no no no no! I-I-I can't I'm- i-"
You couldn't finish the sentence before you collapse. Your legs felt weak. You felt like you couldn't control anything you lay there with only one thought in your head.

Join me Y/n

Ok I was gonna leave that on a cliffhanger but I'm nice so hehehe.
And if you have any ideas on the next chapter pls let me know. And also I am not gonna fix my sleep schedule so yay.
And I'm going to start adding pictures up top.

Have a great day

And stay safe out there

(Also words were 1522 yay)

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