The dream

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TW blood and violence

You started to drift off to sleep. You saw yourself standing next to Bad. You could see all of the terrifying features of him and you could also see all of the egg covering every inch of land. Every where you looked people were intwined in the painful vines. You saw Sam, Techno, Phil, the blond boy, and many many more people. To many people to count. But there was one person that caught your eye. You saw Ranboo standing on the other side of Bad then next to Ranboo was Dream with his hand on Ranboo's shoulder. You kept on looking around and saw three people that where not tangled in the vines in fact they were standing next to the vines petting them as if they were a dog. They all had a smug look on their faces. You were looking around when you noticed something about Ranboo. His eyes where the usual red and green they were both bright purple. He looked as though he was in a trance.  You where so busy taking everything in that you didn't realize you were also wrapped up in the vines too. You didn't feel any pain though probably because you where in a dream, but then you looked closer and saw that there where no thorns unlike the others you which had thorns the size of needles and by the looks of it they where as sharp as the tip of a blade. You shiver as a scream came out from The blond to let Y/n go. I was curious who the boy even was but then Bad said, "Oh Tommy when will you ever listen. I told you we want want to make all of you suffer because a certain someone didn't do as I told them."
Tommy was his name. All of a sudden you were lifted down next to Tommy. You were so close you could see the blue eyes filled with worry. You wanted to tell the boy it would be ok but your mouth was covered by the vines so instead you softly laid you forehead oh his. He let a tear roll down his cheek then he said softly, "I will save you Y/n if it's the last thing that I do."
He went to go say something else but you were yanked back up next to where Bad, Dream, and Ranboo where standing. But this time you were by Dream. He walked over to you and circled you before saying, "So this is the person you all want to protect? Well it would be a shame if I were to just....."
He grabbed his sword and made a motion to swing at you. You let out a muffled scream just as the blade touched the brim of your forehand cutting you a little bit to let a little bit of blood trickle down your face. Everyone in the vines screamed at Dream to stop. He let out a chuckle You looked at Ranboo and wondered why wasn't he helping you. Then out of nowhere are brown hair boy came running out from a tall tower. Who is that you wondered? He had a sword in his hands and was swinging ferociously at the vines. With a lot of effort he made his way towards Tommy. He slashed the vines away from him. Dream screamed at the three people that weren't in the vines to do something. They started running towards Tommy and brown haired boy. "TUBBO GO GET RANBOO AND Y/N."
Yelled Tommy answering your thought. Tubbo came running towards you and Ranboo shouting out his name "RANBOO PLEASE WAKE UP PLEASE RANBOO IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE PLEASE please!"
Tubbo started to let a few tears slip and he came closer to the stage we where we on. Bad started to walk towards Tubbo with his sword unlatched from his belt. Dream put his hand out to stop Bad. "Let Ranboo fight him, but don't let him get near Y/n."
Bad nodded and walked back over towards you but thankfully not in front of you so you can watch them. "Ranboo please wake up it's me Tubbo you know me c'mon Ranboo please."
For a moment Ranboo was knocked out of his trance. Ranboo smile at Tubbo. But suddenly you felt a terrible pain in your leg you let out a scream. The vines brought up its needles digging into your skin. You looked up everyone was getting struck from the needle like vines screams where everywhere. But the pain you felt was just terrible you looked down to see a gaping cuts on your arms and legs. Everything went black.


"Y/n Y/n Y/N wake up!"
You opened your eyes sweat was dripping from your face, your eyes were red from crying, your leg burned with pain, it was hard to breath, you felt as if air wasn't an option anymore, everything was blurry you couldn't tell who was who you just heard voices yelling. A soft voice said "Its ok breath Y/n breath in and out in and out."
You felt someone grab your hand. They squeezed you hand tight you squeezed it back feeling comfort you tried breathing in then out. Over and over again. Eventually things started to come back to you. You saw Techno and Phil standing over you. Techno was holding a wet cloth to your head and Phil was just whispering to you to breath. But you felt another presence. The person was holding your hand. You realized a person grabbed your hand when Phil was telling you to breath. It was Ranboo. You also realize you were squeezing his hand very hard it was probably hurting him so you loosened your grip on his hand, but still held it for comfort. After you calmed down a bit Phil asked, "So do you want to talk about it?"
You shook your head.
"Well if you want to talk about anything we all are here for you."
And with that Techno and Phil walked away. Ranboo gently let go of your hand and said, "You know Y/n if you ever do want to talk about anything I'm always here to listen and I promise I won't judge you."
You consider telling him about the nightmare you decided on no but you had so many questions about the people and things you saw. But then again you saw how that tubbo guy was when Ranboo was in that trance. You really didn't know what to do so you just blurted out, "Actually Ranboo I think I wanna talk about the nightmare."
Ranboo stopped in his tracks and turned around and said, "Tell me anything you want."
As soon as Ranboo sat down you told him all about the nightmare. Then once you finish telling him about it you said, "They are all made up except for you, Phil, Techno, Bad, and I, right?"
Ranboo slowly shook his head. "Y/n all of those people are real it's just the nightmare is made up."
"It felt so real like as if it was happening right in front of me."
You said looking up at Ranboo. Ranboo sighed and said, "That can happen you think the dreams or nightmares are happening right then and there but you wake up and it's over. So don't get to stressed about it."
Ranboo got up and walked away he himself looked a little stressed about the nightmare you explained to him. "Is there something your not telling me Ranboo?"
Ranboo turned his head to look over his shoulder. "No it's nothing."
And with that he walked away. You knew for sure he was keeping something from you.

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