Road trips & Mini Nips

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"No James! there's no way I'm putting on another Taylor Swift song!" Lily protested, swatting James's hand away from the CD player.
"Yeah mate there are only so many times a person can listen to You Belong with me without going insane. " Remus agreed. James let out a dramatic gasp, falling back onto his seat theatrically.
"There can never be too much Taylor! Honestly - you two are heathens." James huffed.

Remus scoffed and looked over to Lily (who was in the passenger's seat) and the two shared a knowing look.
"You would think that you two would have the common courtesy to let me choose the music after you so viciously dumped me to sit in the back seat," James whined, leaning forward to stick his head between the two in the front.
"James, for the last time, We played rock paper scissors and I won, fair and square!" Lily said.

"How come you beat me every time? You must have been cheating!" James pouted childishly.
"James, you played paper - every. single . time." Remus groaned, eyes fixed on the road in front of him.
"It's a good, solid move!" James argued and Lily rolled her eyes before turning and pushing James back into the backseat.
"Yeah, but not if it's your only move, you knob." Lily shook her head in disbelief and James leant back, crossing his arms in defiance. James had decided to position himself in the middle seat, figuring it was the optimal seat for annoyance. Turns out he was right.

Lily sighed and leant forward, tuning into the radio to fill the silence of the car. Remus was lost in his own thoughts - and his endless worries about Sirius. The two were soon taken out of their silent brooding when James decided to ask the world's most annoying question.

"Are we there yet?" James asked in a sing-songy tone. Remus and Lily immediately groaned, more than fed up with the question.
"I don't know James, does this look like London to you?" Lily asked, her voice venomous, pointing around to the Scottish countryside that surrounded them.
"James, you don't need to ask that question every ten feckin' minutes!" A clearly grumpy Remus added.
"Just checkin.." James said, sitting back smugly in his seat. Clearly proud of himself for managing to get under their skin so effectively.

"James, do you actually have any sort of clue where Sirius is going to be?" Lily asked, scrambling about in her satchel for a notepad and pen, already planning for when the trio arrives in London.
"I have a few guesses, our flat maybe - well I hope he's there.." James says, scratching his neck nervously and Lily nodded, scribbling down a brief note before pausing and turning to James.
"Wait, what do you mean by hopefully?" Lily asked cautiously, not wanting to overstep.

James sighed and tugged a hand through his chaotic hair, looking into Lily's eyes with true sincerity.
"Well god forbid if he goes to his parents- I don't even want to think about what they'd do to him.." James almost shivered, and Lily's eyes hadn't left him, mildly astonished by his ability to change his mood from comedic and playful to sombre and sincere so quickly.
Lily smiled reassuringly, suddenly feeling the urge to reach out, and grab his hand, but she dismissed the thought faster than she had time to think about what it could've meant.

Remus peered at the two from his rearview mirror, smiling a coy smile and flicking the Taylor Swift C.D. back on.
He could have sworn that James's entire face lit up, the once saddened look being completely washed over with a look of pure unadulterated glee.
"Hell yes! I love you Moony!" James said, leaning forward in his seat and planting a wet kiss on Remus's cheek.
"Moony?" Remus asked, wiping his slobbery cheek and laughing.
"If Sirius can call you Moony, then so can I," James said, pausing in the middle of his sentence to sing the rest of the verse.

Lily met Remus's eyes, her teasing expression telling him that they were both definitely discussing this when they got home. Remus just blushed and rolled his eyes, muttering a low, "Jesus Christ."

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