I turn my attention back at James again. "Nice shirt, guess we share the same interest in music." James says referring to my Master Of Puppets t-shirt. I laugh at his silky joke. He just snorts and looks around. The waitress arrives seconds later with two cold beers.

"Finally." I say.
"Anything else, Mister?" The waitress says with a slutty smile on her lips, placing her hand on James's shoulder. "Our privacy if you please." James says with one of his fake scary smiles.

"oh.." she said, her smile disappearing. "Yes." I say as I sip my beer. She rolls her eyes and leaves.
"Now that wasn't nice." I say. James stops drinking his beer and looks at me, a layer of foam on his mustache. It make me chuckle. "I didn't want her nosing around." He says. His figure looks so lovely in my eyes. Specially with the mustach thing and his hair tied back.

"What's so funny?" He says. I look at him and smile. "Your mustach." He looks confused but then understands what I say. "I'm still not used to it. Now quit laughing man, a man's mustach is his bright ego." He says with a smirk. Then he licks the foam off with his tounge. Ugh..what a teaser.

"It fits you." I say and continue drinking my beer. It feels refreshing. He sticks his eyebrows up in a question form
"It really does. I mean uh..It makes you more attractive." Fuck. I blush and look down. It's true. James's mustache isn't the fullest grown one, he's visibly new to it, but damn if it didn't make him look more powerful than he already is.

"That's cool." He says. I look up at him and find him smirking. I give him back a smile. My beer's halfway done, while James's on his way to drink the second one. The hot air is making me sweat too much, hair strands sticking to my forehead. I hold my hair up and let some fresh air hit my neck. Even the cool liquid wasn't helping. Fuck I should've tied it up. James seems to notice my struggle.

"One more beer and we'll get out of this hell hole." He says. I nod and let go of my hair. "I need to get rid of this." I point at my curls.
"You mean, you're gonna shave em?" James says.
"I really don't know." I sigh. James looks down at the table as he gulps the first sip of his second beer.
"Don't. They're beautiful." He says quiet. My eyes widen a bit. Blood rushes to my cheeks. "Well.." I chuckle, "thank you.." I say as I stare at my hands. My heart acting stupid with the sweet sugar feeling I got.

"Maybe you can shave your sides y'know." He suggests and shifts closer to me. "With the way you headbang and move around, I guess it'll look fine. And badass. Maybe." James continues. I smile wide at him and take a hand through my heavy, now sweaty, curls.

"You got a razor?" I say. James finishes his beer and nods. "Let's go." He says and gets up. We put our jackets on, he pays and we leave. The streets are empty, wind blowing on my sweaty skin, making me shiver. I get closer to James without even noticing it. And he puts his arm on my shoulder as we walk back to hotel. It makes me burn with affection. I get even closer, our shoulders brushing, warming me a bit. I look at James. His eyes are fixed on the dark blue sky before us. I steal my glare as soon as I notice his eyes on me. His lips form into a light smirk while my smile hides beneath the heavy curtaine of my hair.

We finally get to our room, He opens the door and we get inside. James takes off his jacket and boots. I Do the same. James turns his back to me and search's in his suitcase, probably for the razor. I take a deep breath and take my shirt off. I feel kinda insecure. I mean, it's James, we see eachother shirtless everyday right? Then why do I feel like a shy teen girl. Ugh..

James turns back at me with a razor in his hands. His gaze falls on my body. I'm sure my face's as red as a tomato now. He hands me the stuff. "Are you sure?" He says in a low voice.
"Yeah just, please don't fuck it up." I say and let out a chuckle.
"You can go around and proudly tell everyone that the mighty Het shaved your hair." He says ironicly and I laugh.

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