"No worries. It is completely understandable." I stated as the main course was brought over. "I told my husbands that it was very possible that Jason would bring this up, they just don't want to see me upset, especially with the extra hormones coursing through my body right now." I said putting my hand on my belly. "I heard you have two boys?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes. We've got two boys. The eldest, Robbie, is nine. The second, Chris, is five." She said with a small smile.

"Where are they now?" I asked curiously looking around before looking at Maci.

"They're in the left wing with my mother." Maci said with a small smile. "She moved in, just like Michelle Obama's mother did, to help us with our boys."

"This salmon is amazing. Remember when we ate that salmon on the beach Love, it reminds me of that?" I said looking at Will whom was still glaring at Jason, whom didn't even dare look at Will. He was freaking me out and totally not helping this situation we were in right now. "Love?" I repeated and William blinked and looked at me. "Remember the Salmon we ate on the beach on our third date I believe? Or was it the second?"

"Third" He then said calmly looking at me and I nodded.

"O yes, the third. It was great, I love salmon. I'm obsessed with Sushi, but sadly I can't eat that anymore." I said looking at Maci and Maci giggled a bit at that. "It's what I miss most, and a good cup of coffee. Although my husbands have been trying to stop me from drinking coffee, want me to go to Tea. I love a good cup of tea, but Coffee is my kryptonite" I said and I was rambling a bit as my head was immensely full right now.

"How did you meet the kings, if I'm allowed to ask off course?" Maci said and I smiled very widely, just like I had practiced.

"That's a cute story actually, well no not cute, rather sad, I don't know the word. Babe?" I said looking at Trevor whom was looking at Will with this look before he looked at me. "What's that word I'm looking for?"

"Fate-ishous probably?" he said and I giggled and nodded.

"Yes that. I had lost my parents half a year before, to a car accident" I said and Maci's eyes widened for a second and she nodded. I knew everyone had seen the video of me falling and me asking for my mother. "And I was working at this pub in Hawaii" I said looking at Trevor whom was staring at me with some slight amusement "And one day William walks in and orders a salmon and cream cheese sandwich, which is one of my favorite things in the world; I love fish" I explained and Maci looked at me amused and nodded. "And I hand it to him but he always, obviously, has a lot of security with him" I said and William looked at me, everyone was looking at me, listening to my story. "And this was about two months before you were kings, right?" I asked and William gave me a curt nod. "Yes, this was two months before their mother sadly got murdered." I said looking at Jason, to test him out, but he also kept his pokerface up. "So, he was a prince then, not the king" I said as I took a bite of the salmon and then a sip of water, pouring some into my glass, and I saw everyone staring at that. "And uhm, nobody was really allowed to join him because safety and stuff, but I was allowed to talk to him and we talked for about four hours, which my boss didn't like very much. But he hardly could stop me." I said and Hugo laughed at that and I giggled a bit as well. "So anyway, we exchanged numbers and that was it really, he then left." I said and William nodded looking at me again as I saw that in his eyes there was pure amusement in his eyes. "And then, a couple of days later I was free for the day and I love mountain biking so I was mountain biking, but I'm rather clumsy as well." I said holding up both arms and Hugo giggled at that " I fell down my mountain bike and just like in the movies, disgusting really, Hugo just passed with his horse and he helped me and we talked for hours again and there was this instant connection." I said and Hugo smiled looking at me "We exchanged numbers as well and we went out on a date the next night." I said and Hugo nodded looking at me. "The next night I went out and I was waiting in line for like ever, and then Trevor arrived with his possy and was allowed in right away so I obviously disagreed and told the bouncer that. Well Trevor thought that was adorable so he said that I was part of his team and we talked all night and I went home with him. The next morning, I wake up and I walk down the kitchen and William and Hugo are sitting there and well you can imagine my panic." I said and Maci burst out into laughter. "Then Trevor walks down and senses the awkward tension and asks if we know each other so we explained it to him." I said and Trevor had the biggest smile ever. "They then looked at one another for a second before bursting out into laughter because well it is rather funny to be honest. In their culture obviously the queen has to be married to three kings. Normally one king finds someone he likes and introduces her to the two other brothers and sees if there is a connection, with her consent." I said and Maci nodded in interest "And well, I went on a date with one of them, had been texting the other nonstop, and spend the night with the other. So, they told us about the tradition and stuff like that and asked me to move to Locatlie to continue seeing each other" Jason was staring at me with interest. " I decided why not, I had nobody waiting for me in Hawaii. I moved, then their mother was murdered, and they became kings and they asked me for their hand in marriage or whatever it's called and I obviously said yes because I fell for them" I said and Maci nodded looking at me. "What about you and Jason?"

"We went to the same university." She explained and she started telling me this immensely boring story, but I decided to act like it was the most interesting. I had to keep up this act, cause if I for one second would let this act drop, I would break.

During dessert Maci and I kept the conversation going about her children and about her goal for a better primary education and stuff like that. Then it was time for us to leave.

"I will see you tomorrow." Maci said and I nodded looking at her with a small smile as I then walked out of the house with my three husbands to the car. The moment I sat down, I looked out the window as I knew that tonight wasn't going to be fun.

I now knew whom my parents were; they were the most powerful family in the United States of America. Every little puzzle piece started to fall into place. Why Natalie looked at Trevor with a weird look the first time I visited Gotar, when we were listening to Brad Jefferson. Why I had security with my parents in the first place, why I had lost my concentration on the slopes when I was listening to Brad Jefferson.

I just did not understand why on earth they would take the daughter of one of the most powerful man in the country. Why would they risk it? Trevor placed his hand on my leg carefully, but I shoved it away. I did not want to be touched right now, I had to figure these emotions out on the ride back to whatever house we were going to.

I could not believe that once again they had forgotten to tell me a vital piece of information. They had promised me that they would tell me any information that I really did need to know, so I would not be blindsided. Yet, they decided not to tell me that we were going to visit my old cousin. They probably hoped that Jason would not mention Willow to me; wait no, mention me to me. My name was Willow Jefferson, and it was so fucking weird.

The moment the car stopped, I blinked and saw that we were at a house. There was loads of security here. My husbands walked out and I walked out after them and I passed them up theh stairs as I arrived at the living room. I took out my earrings and took off my crown and placed them on the table here. I then turned around and my heart stopped even more as I saw the scene before me.

William was standing by the door on the left, his arms crossed, observing me with his 'King look'. Hugo was standing by the door on the right, leaning on it, observing me with those darned brown eyes. Straight ahead stood Trevor whom now closed the door behind him and locked it and he turned around and looked me in the eyes. I didn't see the happy Trevor, the Trevor whom loved me; no, I saw the 'King of Knives' Trevor. The Trevor that terrified the whole entire world and he had just locked the door, and he was looking at me as if I was his next plaything.

I was trapped.



I hope everyone has enjoyed Locatlie so far!?

Please let me know in the comments what you think so far of the story, and especially what you think will happen!?

I'll start posting book 4 later this week. I will let all of you in on a little secret. The fourth book is called 'The Truth.' ! I'm so excited to let you guys read one of my favourite books! 

Locatlie: The Revelation. (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now