Chapter 5

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Julia P.O.V

My eyes felt heavy, but I was awake. I recognised this awful headache like no other; I had gotten the 'water sedative' as I called it. I knew that opening my eyes would be too much for me right now. But then I remembered what had happened just before I had gone knock out; I had been taken. I sat up, my whole body hurting, opened my eyes and screamed my lungs out. When my eyes adjusted to the room I was in, I saw that I was in the castle of Gotar. I knew that my husbands had probably found me before they had taken me and I stopped screaming right away. My whole body was sore, my head hurt, and my stomach felt like it was on fire. My belly. I pulled the covers from my body right away and looked down, hoping to see my belly large. But my belly was gone and that made me scream again. How had that happened.

"Julia, Julia." I heard a voice state and I looked up my eyes widening as I saw a blonde god coming from the door. His blonde curly hair went all over the place covering the blue eyes that I had fallen in love with. His broad face and slightly too big nose were still perfectly in place. He was immensely buff and strong; he could protect me. He was my protection and my safe space. "Julia. Breathe." he said walking up to me and I then looked sideways and I saw my two other husbands sitting there.

The guy on the left had brown curly hair that went all over the place and the greenest eyes. His nose was also slightly too big for his face and he had a leaner posture compared to the blonde god that had just walked in. His face was covered in worry and for one second, I was relieved to see my William.

Next to him sat the second brother, my husband, Hugo. He had brown wavy hair that was put perfectly in place and he had the same nose as Trevor, the blonde god, he had the body figure of William though. The one thing that I dreamt up even in my 'coma' as I called it; his brown eyes were looking at me.

I wanted to respond happy to seeing them but then I suddenly remembered what Harry had told me, my hands holding onto the bed even tighter; they had lied to me. They had told me that they had chosen me without a second thought. But they had chosen Heather first and she didn't want to be their wife, so they chose me as a last resort. They didn't ask me for permission, they demanded I be their wife. I backed away from them slightly and I looked at Trevor.

Trevor was the only one that I was a hundred percent sure of that he had chosen me, he had wanted me to be his wife from the first moment we met. He was obsessed with me and my safety. He was crazy and obsessive, but that meant that he was the only one that I knew for sure loved me as much as I loved them, as much as I loved him.

"Good. Breathe." Trevor said as he sat down next to me on the bed and I looked at him my eyes widening. "How are you feeling??" he said but I kept staring at him my eyes widening and tears appeared in my eyes as I saw Hugo and William sitting on the couch; keeping their distance from me. Even though I wanted them to keep their distance from me; I didn't really know what I wanted from them yet; it still hurt me that they didn't at least try. "Julia?" Trevor repeated, making me blink and look back at him. "How are you feeling?" He repeated "You've been down for a while now" he added and I looked into those blue eyes.

In those blue eyes I could always see how he felt, how his mind was today. This was immensely important because Trevor had two sides. He had the kind loving hilarious side to him, but he also had a dark side to him. That dark side was the side of his 'family trait'; they loved to torture and hurt people. In other countries they would call him a psychopath or a sociopath. But I loved that side to him, that side would protect me, and I remembered for a split second that time a rapist spit in my face and what he did to me. He would protect me no matter what. But I also knew that if he didn't act on the urges, his eyes would be darker. I looked into his eyes; I was looking for that darkness. But I saw no darkness, this meant that they probably caught those thirty masked guys, and had interrogated him. That also meant that he was here with me instead of hurting those fuckers; I was more important than the revenge and need for him. Although he did state I had been down for a while and I wondered how long, had I given birth to my baby already? Was he taking care of our son? I looked down at my belly for a second and the pain that I was feeling, as I touched a spot suddenly made me remember of the guy, of that masked man, whom had put a knife in my stomach. The blood going down my legs came back into my mind, the pain, the gutwrenching pain, and then the pain hit me like a truck at 100km per hour. I looked back at Trevor. He had asked me a question, but I didn't remember what. What did he ask of me?

"How are you feeling?" Hugo said and I looked at him, my eyes widening even more. Of course, Hugo would know what I was thinking. Hugo had this special talent that he could read people, and I sometimes sincerely wondered if he had a chip in him ableing him to actually read minds. He could read me like a book though, and this proved that once again. The only thing he couldn't do was understand my 'grey' side. Hugo thought in black and white, you either listened to the rules, or you should be punished. I often did things that were more in the grey area and that's when he struggled to understand me. But my black and white sides, my basic sides, that he understood.

"Julia?" William then said carefully. "Take your time" He said. Of course, William understood that my mind was currently going on overdrive. William understood the basics of my black, white, and grey side. He understood that I was a person and knew what I needed. Trevor knew my grey side the best, and thrived on it. Hugo understood my black and white side the best and William overall understood me the best. The only thing they didn't seem to understand or grasp, was that I hated lying, I hated betrayal. And they betrayed me; they told me they chose me, but they didn't. And worst of all I had to hear it from Harry. Why hadn't they just been honest with me. That would've hurt me for a bit, but at least they would've been honest.

Harry? Sally. O no. Sally probably felt like shit. Sally was the second sister of my husbands, and she thought she was the most important person in the world. She thought she would be a better ruler than the kings. She was cocky, but she was also very kind. And now her and her three babies had no husband and father. At least, if they knew that Harry was actually a bad guy. But then again, I'm sure that Trevor or Lucas would get that out of him.

I looked back down at my belly frowning a tad, and I then realised something; Natalie. Natalie was the youngest sister of my husbands, only 10 or 11 months elder. She had been 9 months pregnant around the attack, she must have given birth to her baby now. How was she feeling? How was the baby?

I had so many questions in my head right now, I was so confused. What day was it? What had I missed? Had they captured all the men? What information did they know? How were the men. I didn't know where to begin, or how. All I knew was that I needed rest. My head hurt. I laid back down on my side, my back facing them and I pulled up my covers.

"Julia?" Trevor said.

"She's tired and has severe PTSD. Let her rest. She'll come back to us soon enough and she might be able to go to Brusta for a bit to get back." Hugo said and I held onto the covers.

"I'm-" Trevor started, I knew he wanted to go back to work, but I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want him to lay next to me either, but I needed him to stay.

"No. You have to stay." William said, of course he understood. "Trev, I've talked to you about this. She doesn't trust Hugo and I right now and needs you here in case she is ready to talk."

"Yeah" Trevor said as he let out a small breath and he put his hand on my back and rubbed it for a bit. His touch calmed me down right away and my body felt safe enough to fall asleep.

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