|Chapter Ten| Wild Tansy

Start from the beginning

"You're back!" She all but squealed, making the side of his mouth turn up into a secret smile.

"I am. What's it this time?" He asked, pointing at the seeds in her left palm.


"It's da-ffo-dil," he corrected her with a silent chuckle. She usually remembered the names of all the flowers she was planting, and he was sure she'll remember this one too because she was smart, really smart for her age.

"Yup! Was it scary at school?"

"It was goddamn boring," he muttered with a frown.

"Goddamn!" The Little Monster repeated after him, making her eyes widen with realization. He'd forgotten that he wasn't supposed to say bad words around her. Her parents weren't as "open-minded" as his, they didn't curse around her all the time like his did around him.

"Shit, don't repeat that," he said again, panic written all over his face, before realizing what he'd done and biting his tongue.

"Shiiiiit," she screamed in his ear and he wondered if six-year-olds could have high blood pressure because he could practically feel his heart in his ears.

"What was that, Mia?" they heard Mrs. Sophie's voice and turned around to see her looking at her with a suspicious, you're-so-in-trouble look.

"It was Connor!" Mia exclaimed fast as lightning. "He taught me those words just now." She said, pointing at him with her tiny fingers. His eyes narrowed at her in a glare.

She turned her face to him too, her tiny features decorated with a mischievous grin before her lips turned into a full smirk.

"Shit and goddamn!" She repeated eyes still on him, making it hard for him not to want to jump on her and kick her ass.

This little shit, he thought staring at her and imagining all the ways he could make her eat dirt.

It was Mrs. Sophie's gasp of disbelief that held Connor back from strangling her. Ooooh, the Little Monster had no idea how much Connor would LOVE doing that right then.

"Mia, Connor! Follow me back home right now!" Her mother said with a tone that left no room for arguments. He knew he had no way out of it because even though he never cared about being scolded by his parents or any other adult, he liked Mrs. Sophie and he thought it was one of the few things that could move his stone heart... just barely.

Mrs. Sophie gathered her stuff and started to climb up the stairs to their front door, and he followed her inside with the Monster right next to her.

When his eyes wandered and met hers as both of them neared the front door, she gave him another big smirk, before sticking her tongue out at him just to annoy him some more.

This time, however, he didn't hold back. He flipped her the bird, making her stare at him confused.

She had absolutely no idea what that meant, did she?

Perfect! Now she couldn't tell on him and prove that he was the one to teach that to her.

He gave her a satisfied smirk in return, as her brain still tried to solve that puzzle, with her brows furrowed in annoyance.

Well, if she was indeed a monster, he was the devil.

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