meeting my worst enemy

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It's been days since I had that awkward conversation with Gojo. And I don't even know what to feel; to be happy to know that he still hasn't moved on and is waiting for me or shall I be sad that he still is holding on and hurting himself.

I couldn't sleep these days overthinking and drawing illogical conclusions about all these and that's the sole reason I am not going out of my room. Now I am having hardly anything edible left. I realized I have to go out to stock on my things in order to avoid him cause I can't survive without food duh.

I showered and now I can finally go out. I even got the perfect attire to stay invisible. I can't afford to talk with that man who makes me lose my sleep whenever we meet. I was just about to leave when a message popped up and when I checked it was from Nanami:

Nanami : hey you up?

Me: yup finally XD

Nanami : what you up for today? :/

Me: nothing just going out to the convenience store 

Nanami : want me to accompany you ?

Me: you are always a savior uk <3

Thank god I can finally go out in peace. When I reached downstairs he was already there as usual early. And I saw some girls standing a bit away checking him out. I looked at him again and why have I never noticed that he has such sharp features. He is ummm... pretty.... Good looking and also have a good physique and the most important one is he is always with me no matter what. Before getting lost in my stupid thoughts , he saw me and waved at me.

I rushed to him and he opened the door of the passenger side. He is always such a gentleman. I wish he will get someone real soon. Thinking of someone, he never talks to any other girl than me and I have never heard anything about his girlfriend. There was that one time when I asked him about his girlfriend and he said he secretly have a crush on someone but never confirmed me her name. This man a real bad mystery.

" Well can I ask you why you weren't coming out of your room?", he asked me eyes on the road.

When we passed those girls I looked at them and they were frowning at me and were about to kill me the next minute they saw me.

"Y/N I asked something", he called me again.

I smiled thinking about the girls and replied," well I was doing something". I really didn't want to explain him my conversation about Gojo. He is a literal Gojo fanboy but never shows it and will tell me to get back with him.

"and what's that something", he eyed me asking.

" ummm reading maybe", I replied.

"stop lying to me y/n I can see it you were avoiding him", he teased" you are a very bad liar", he smiled. I hardly ever see him smile but it's really good to see him like this.

"if you knew then why were you asking", I punched him lightly.

He laughed out loud then and I heard this laugh after a really long time and now it actually felt like I am back.

We sat in silence for the rest of our ride. We got off the car and were about to go inside the store but we were then stopped by two very annoying  figures.

" Hey look who's here,  I guess the rumor was true, Gojo's princess is back", mei chimed lowering her sunglasses and checking me out.

 Utahime  said," hey y/n nice to see you again", with her normal polite self.

I swear this day is gonna be my worse one now for sure.


I am really sorry for not being consistent i was in a really hectic situation and hardly got anytime to read or write. I swear I am gonna be consistent for sure.<3333


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