the arrival

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I reached Tokyo. A car came to pick me up in the airport. The driver was very kind he took my luggage and packed it up in the trunk. I don't know why my heart is beating so much. I know I will be just meeting Yuji and will bring him back with me and we'll return back, still I am so nervous.

We reached jujutsu tech and the nostalgic feeling hit me hard. I mean I used to call this place my home.

I went to a guest lobby and put my luggage there and then went straight to meet Mr. Yaga.

" Welcome Miss y/n I am glad you made it without any problems", he said with his usual husky tone.

" Thank you Mr. Yaga but I am concerned why you called me here and can I meet Yuji?" I questioned and I wanted this to end as soon as possible.

" Yeah of course I already sent word for Mr. Yuji and he is on his way" , he said and then continued," in the mean time would you like something to drink ?".

" No no sir I am fine", I said nervously I just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

" Ah well miss y/n I would like to discuss yuji with you but I fear I don't know much so one of our teachers who is guiding Yuji will lighten you up on the situation" , he took a pause and then said again, " I guess you know him pretty well".

He looked at me and I tensed. I am not ready to face him not yet. I can't keep calm I started sweating.

" Hey Mr. Yaga did you call me ", yuji said.

I turned to face him and thanked God for sending him to save me.

" Y/n !!!!! What are you doing here ?", He said and came jumped on me.

" I miss you yuji ", I said hugging him it's been years I met him in real though we used to face time a lot.

" Even I missed you a hell lot and I have so many things to tell you and first of all sorry ", yuji said breaking the hug , his eyes full of tears and then he continued, " I  am sorry I couldn't keep my promise".

I pulled him close and patted him on the shoulder," it's okay yuji it's absolutely okay. I am glad you are okay.  I am here to take you back."

" I am afraid you can't take him back", the voice came from the door. The voice which I never forgot for even a moment. It's hard to turn it's difficult to face him again. After all these years. I don't want to remember all those memories.

" Hey Gojo Sensei what are you doing here ?" , Yuji chimed.

I knew it. It was him. His voice is still the same. I am afraid that he is still the same. But then I have to face him anyway. So I turned and I saw him. Standing at the door wearing a casual shirt and shorts and as usual sunglasses. He is not in the uniform and he looks good is anything he wears. Tears started welling up. I don't know if he is feeling the same way or not. I can't see his eyes he always keeps it covered. The most beautiful part of him his crystal blue eyes.

And that's it my world stopped that moment. 

A/n :

Hey dear readers I hope you are enjoying the story and do tell me if you find anything inappropriate :)

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