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Gojo parted with me after discussing other factors on how to help yuji and help him gain more strength. Being a trainee here I too know a few tips and tricks that might help my brother. Gojo said he will arrange for my accommodation but till then I have to live in the guest lodge.

I came to my room  and then I unpacked a few necessary items and changed and lay down. And started drifting to those beautiful memories I once had here.


" Gojoooooooooo", I shouted at the top of my lungs. He was running ahead holding my appreciation letter. I continued ," I swear to God I will kill you if you won't hand over that to me".

He is much faster than me.

"Catch me if you can y/n. This is such a big thing and how did you hide it from me? I am not returning this without getting anything in return." He shouted in return.

"Fine I will do anything you want now  please hand it over or else it will lose and I will be doomed." I screamed and thank God he stopped.

He turned around and came running towards me and then halted and bent down and faced me and smiled," I won't lose it you know that right by the way I wanted to ask you something, will you forget me when you will leave ?", There is not that usual smugness in his eyes rather his eyes were full of concern.

" Of course not you know that too I won't ever leave you right ," I smiled and kissed him in his forehead and snatched away my letter.

" Don't get distracted Mr. Gojo it's not good ", I winked and ran.

"You cheater ", he shouted and ran behind me.

[ Time skip to 6 months]

I never saw him crying. This was the first time I saw him this shattered. I don't want to leave him but I have to.  I don't even know when can I come back. I can't give him hope to wait. This mission is so heck dangerous and I don't know what might happen to me. I can't break him apart like that. It's better to leave like this. There's plenty of time for him to move on.

" Please y/n don't go please I will talk to the high ups please don't leave me like this", he said crying and holding my wrist.

I shook my hand away and fought back my tears , " I have to Gojo there is nothing left here my life is outside this place I have big dreams". I can't go if he will continue like this.

" I will do everything I can y/n please. I will bring every happiness for you", he came and stood before me and continued ," just say me that you don't want to leave me and I will do everything for you just please don't do this to me".

This is breaking me but I can't back down now. If I won't go they will make him go and I can't let him go on this suicidal mission.

" Stop doing this Gojo and let me go please I said I don't have any lingering feelings for you anymore", I said this putting a rock in my heart.

"B-bu-but you pr-pro-promised me y/n that you will ne-never leave me", he started stuttering and it shattered me I can't see him like this.

" Promises can be broken Gojo and sorry for doing this but I want to go ", I said and left without turning back.

It hurts. Tears started falling from my eyes and I can't stop. I hear gojo shouting my name but I can't turn back. Looking at him this broken will make me weak. I can't go then. I am sorry Gojo but I have to leave.

(End of flashback)

I unconsciously started crying again. That day always keeps playing in my head from time to time. I can't ever forgive myself for hurting him. But there wasn't any other option at that time. I don't want to tell him the reason now what if he had moved on. That would make me a selfish jerk. I will never let him find this. I will protect yuji and do what is necessary and leave this place and will never return.

A/n :

I was so emo while writing this. Imagining this situation already broke me. :'(

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