awkward conversation

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It took a while for me to heal from the injuries. And the day I got up Yuji never left my side for even a moment. I had to be in close proximity to him. He made me promise to never ever be away from his eyes.

I got up late , yuji might have left already so I would head to the training field by myself it's not like I would die lol.

I got ready at my usual pace and grabbed my coffee and headed outside. When I opened the door I saw a familiar figure leaning on the wall next to my door.

And that familiar figure was none other than Gojo. What's he doing here ?

He was wearing a formal blue shirt with black pants and the shirt was tucked in. The three buttons were open that showed his collar bones prominently which I always find fascinating and annoying because of this all othe girls always hit on him.

I realized I was staring at him.

" Why are you here ?" I asked trying not being rude.

" I am waiting for you ", he replied with a calm voice.

I miss that cheerful voice that brightened up my day and hate this distant voice of his.

" Umm I could see that but why are you waiting ?" I asked.

" Coz I can't let you walk into the danger alone and can't afford to lose you again", he said looking straight into my eyes.

His statement made me gasp.

" umm okay then let's go ", I said and started moving to avoid more of such situations.

This silence among us is the most awkward thing. There never was a single moment that passed without us talking to each other.

" By the way how was life in states ?" , Gojo broke the awkward silence.

" Yeah it was great ", I replied walking in the lead.

" So you had a great life there I suppose ", he said his voice seemed to be a little annoyed.

" Not great exactly but it was good and I had a good time there I guess. I was happy I just missed my friends and yuji there" , I replied.

" Oh I see , so any boyfriend you had there?" He asked directly that made me stop walking.

I looked down to the ground and replied, " umm no I didn't had any ".

He started walking taking the lead from me. I could feel that he smiled.

I guess he was relieved knowing that or am I overthinking.

I wanted to know whether he moved on or not. Nanami said he is still waiting but he is changed a lot.

And that I can feel the Gojo he was before is no more here. But the fact about moving on is still confusing. That thought is still occupied in my mind.

I gathered all my guts and asked keeping a rock in my heart , " Well Gojo can I ask you something !"

" Yeah " ,he said and turned back ," go on" .

" Have you moved on ?", I asked. Looking at him with curious eyes.

" What do you think?", He said and smirked a little and then started walking.

" I think you did but I don't know I haven't seen your girlfriend yet but it seems like you have changed a lot ", I asked him walking behind him faster to catch up with him. He walks really fast coz of his damn long legs.

And suddenly I bumped into his back. I looked up and he turned to face me. His eyes are now properly visible and I could hear his rapidly beating heart. My heart too started doing somersaults inside and I backed off a little.

" I haven't and I couldn't move on ever and I don't have any girlfriend stop saying that time and again and I hope you remember it this time" his voice was super serious and then he continued , " it's getting late let's go ".

He said and resumed walking.

And I am still in shock. He haven't moved on till now. Why is he still waiting! He didn't even knew that I would come back then why. Is he still feeling the same way as before? Or is there anything else inside his mind. I really want to know now.

So many questions started bombarding inside my head.

But again I couldn't stop myself from smiling thinking what he said.

A/n :

I am really sorry guys for making you wait for so long. I was having a writer's block  and also I was in a reading slump.
I will try to be regular in updating from now on. Lots of love <333

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