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Izuku POV

I started to wake up on what felt like a cold stone floor with what I thought to be a blind fold on my face. As I started to move I heard chains rattle and a man speak through some kind of speaker.

???: Hello Izuku Yagi, we are very happy you could join us today also... welcome to Anarchy

Izuku: W-what are you t-talking about?

???: I'm talking about the Anarchy program. It's a program for the quirkless that makes the powerful... yes, powerful

Izuku: 'There's something he's not telling me'

???: However power does come at a price... usually we would ask if you if you want to pay however you don't get a choice in this affair

Izuku: P-p-price?

???: Yes and that price would just so happen to be... your humanity

I then felt my chains get taken off my blindfold a few moments later. Once my eyes adjusted I saw a doctor.

(This is not the doctor that they had for their quirk appointments)

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(This is not the doctor that they had for their quirk appointments)

Doctor: Hello Izuku Yagi it is so very nice to finally meet you

I was about to run and swing at him until a barrier went up. Once I hit the barrier I couldn't move at all. I then felt something pick me up.

Doctor: And here I was told that you were a timid quirkless pathetic no good Deku

We then entered a room that had all kinds of medical equipment. He then strapped me down to a chair and started to get out syringes and scalpels.

Izuku: H-hey w-w-what are you doing with t-those? 'Please don't tell me this is going were I think it is'

Doctor: *snickers* getting ready for the procedure of course

I was about to protest until I felt something sharp get jabbed into my neck. I looked over to see a huge syringe filled with a glowing blue liquid in my neck. I started to feel incredible amounts of pain as I started to scream however after a few moments I blacked out from the pain.

??? POV

I was laying down in my cell minding my own business until I saw a guard come in with something in his arm. He opened the door and threw what appeared to be a body in my cage with a smirk on his face.

Guard: He fun with your new playmate

???: ...

He then left shutting the door behind him. After he shut the door I started to inspect the body. I saw a boy with black semi-long curly hair and blue eyes. I then started to feel my face heat up a little as I thought one thing and one thing only 'cute'. As he started to wake up I started to back away from him. After he woke up he looked straight at me with a curious gaze.

Izuku: H-hi

???: Ummm Hello

Izuku: Where am I and who are you?

???: Well you at the Anarchy where house with me and I am A-12

Izuku: Not to be rude or anything but what's your actual name

I started to get a little bit angry and got in near his face a little bit

A-12 *pouting*: That is my actual name

Izuku: O-okay its just people don't t-tend to have numbers in th-their name

A-12: Well I never had a name... No one ever cared about me enough to give me one because... well I'm quirkless

Izuku: Did your parents not give you a name when you were born

A-12: Well the thing is I never knew my parents, My earliest memories are actually in an orphanage and even then they either called me girl or A (I know this isn't how orphanages work however I'm doing this for the sake of character development)

Izuku: Aimi

A-12: huh?

Izuku: Aimi that's your new name

Aimi *smiling*: Thank you umm...

Izuku: The names Izuku Y- *frowns* actually just Izuku

Aimi: 'It looked like he was going to say something else... well no need to push'

Izuku: So how long have you been here?

Aimi: I'm not really sure I was 6 when they attacked the orphanage and took me and some other kid. I think his name was Tenko... He was a bit strange but he was nice.

Izuku: Well you must have been here for a while... Have they done any experiments on you?

Aimi: Yeah they inject me with stuff every now and again but other than that they don't do much... *small blush* however they did say that they were waiting for a ummm... mate for me

Izuku *blushing*: oh uhh I see

Aimi: yeah but you don't seem like a terrible person

Izuku: you don't either

Aimi/Izuku: 'this may not be so bad at least I have him/her'

Little did they know this next year of their lives would be Hell


Okay this chapter was hell for me not to write and to also not make it a cringe fest. Next chapter will have a timeskip with Aimi and Izuku. I'm also going to update Izuku's bio and harem so yeah.

All right it's time I said something about why my update schedule is so inconsistent and the reason is because I'm scared to disappoint all my readers however I realized that me not updating also dissapoints everyone so I'll try to be a bit more consistent KEYWORD TRY

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