Loved But Forgotten -Rewritten

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Mustafu Hospital Year 23XX, July 15th Toshinori POV

I had just defeated the Fire Villain: Inferno when I had received a call from Inko. I tapped answer and before I could say hello I heard "Toshimywaterbrokeandimheadingtothehospital". It took me a second to realize what she had said before rushing to the hospital. After I got there I asked where her room was and by the time I got there I heard yelling. After I opened the door I saw Inko's quirk active on an assortment of different items, with them floating and flying around the room. When she saw me she started to yell saying "TOSHI YOU BASTARD YOU PUT THIS DEMON IN ME". I looked at the doctor before asking "are they normally like this?". He then nodded saying "In your case yes", before getting the chance to ask what he meant he said "Alright go and hold your wife's hand the procedure is about to start". I headed over to Inko and grabbed her hand with me saying phrases such as "It's gonna be okay" and "After this think about the life we'll have with our baby". After about a half an hour of screams and Inko pushing a baby finally came out. After a few moments the doctor said "IT'S A GIRL". I then heard Inko scream in agony again before the doctor got back in position. I then asked "What's going on?" "Your wife, She's having twins".

I was in shock at our visits to the doctors who had always told us that we were having one child. My thoughts were interrupted by Inko squeezing my hand to the point where it felt like it was breaking. After 30 more minutes of my hand getting crushed I heard another baby cry and the doctor said "IT'S A BOY". After they cleaned the two infants they handed the girl to me and the boy to Inko. Later once the two infants were asleep the doctors came back with the birth certificates and I asked "So Inko what are we going to name them?" "Well for the girl I'm thinking Izumi and for the boy I think Izuku has a nice ring to it". After she answered the question I filled out the papers before hearing Inko whisper to them lovingly "welcome to the world Izumi and Izuku~".

4 Year Timeskip 3rd Person POV

In the Yagi Mansion we see a little boy with green hair and a little girl with blonde hair sneaking into their parents bedroom. These two children's names are Izuku and Izumi Yagi (Not that you didn't know that). As they got into their parents room Izumi and Izuku both jumped on their parents bed yelling "WAKE UP". The matriarch of the family was the first to wake up swiftly followed by her husband, after a few moments they both found the source of all of the early morning commotion, Inko then asked "What are you two doing up so early in the morning?". To which Izuku answers "We're ready for our doctor's visit..." then Izumi continues "so we can find out our quirks!". Inko then giggles before saying "Well it's very early in the morning and your doctors appointment isn't for another 3 hours" "We know we were just excited" The pair of twins said. Inko sighed before looking at the clock once more and saying "Alright let me make breakfast and then you two can get ready". The twins nodded before running off leaving Inko and Toshinori to talk with Toshinori asked "So what do you think their quirk's will be?" "Well I'm not exactly sure" "Well what if they turn out quirkless". This caused Inko's smile to fade knowing how her husband was treated during his childhood before saying "We will love them all the same". They both kissed before heading downstairs to get ready for the coming day.

Doctors Office Izuku POV

The doctor had just come back in the room with a stoic look on his face before speaking "So there's good and bad news, Which would you like to hear first?". Mom's smile faded a bit before she said "The bad news please..." "Well, I'm saddened to say this but Izuku is quirless". I saw mom frown before looking at me. She then got up and approached me before hugging me before asking "So what's the good news?" "Well Izumi has a very strong telekinesis quirk that came be used to lift objects with her mind". I then saw mom's attitude do a complete 180 with her grabbing Izumi and spinning her in the air. I saw the doctor give me a look of pity with me asking "Mr.Doctor do you think I could still be a hero?". He then gave me a smile and said "Izuku what is a Hero?" "Anyone who helps someone no matter what" "With that attitude yes Izuku I think you can be a hero".I gave him a smile and said "Thank you". I looked around for mom to see that she was gone before frowning. The doctor then looked at me saying "Listen young man... quirkless are often treated as below dirt in our society, but I promise you as long as you keep your head up... you can be a hero". I smiled more than I ever had with him asking "So do you need a ride home?". I then remembered my situation before blushing from embarrassment and nodding.

Yagi Household Izuku POV

As I arrived home I heard laughter coming from inside. I opened the door to see my father spinning Izumi in the air just as Mom was doing earlier. After a while they went to eat dinner, however the unusual part of it all was that they forgot to put my plate on the table. I then asked "Hey dad where's my dinner?" "Hmmm... oh Izuku I'm sorry it seems we forgot" "Oh it's okay" I said, faking a smile. I then went to my room before thinking 'I'm sure they still love me... right?'. 'Hopefully Kacchan, Katcchan, Shoka and Shoto will still like me'

Next Day School Izumi POV

Once I got to school I immediately started looking for my friends. I then saw them over by the bookshelves, I went over to them with Katsuki being the first to notice me. They all rushed over to me with Shoka and Katsumi asking "Where is Izuku/Icchan?" "I think he's outside but before you talk to him we need to talk", "What do you mean?" asked Shoka. I didn't know how to explain it besides saying "Izukuisquirklessandimworriedabouthimbeingahero". Somehow they understood what I was saying with all of us going into thought and Katsuki saying "Well if you're worried about him being a hero, why don't we bully him so he doesn't want to be a hero". I then saw Katsumi smack Katsuki over the head with a mini explosion saying "ARE YOU STUPID THEN HE'LL HATE US?!?!?!!" "Think about it Sis if we make him realize what villains are like he won't want to be a hero... then he will be so grateful he'll marry you and Izumi he'll think you're the best sister ever". I started to think about it with Izuku hugging me and calling me the best sister ever and immediately said "Fine". We all agreed to bully Izuku although Shoka was very reluctant.

Izuku POV

After a few minutes of getting to school I saw Izumi and my friends approaching me.I smiled thinking 'at least they didn't forget about me'. I then felt an explosion to my face, I then looked up to see Katsuki smirking saying "What's wrong Deku... does it hurt?" "W-why did you hit me?", I then heard Katsumi say "Because you're a quirkless weakling you Deku". I then proceeded to get the beating of my life from people who I thought were my friends. After they were done they all left except for Shoka she then approached me and used her Ice to help my burns.



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