Being a Woman // Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

Haz: You look very pretty Ath! I like how you suit that color :)

I smiled, knowing that Harry was the one that knew most about fashion

Athena: Oh well, thank you Mr. Gucci ;)

Lou: You look gorgeous! Are you uncomfortable wearing it?

Athena: Meh

Lou: Just wear trackies

Athena: I bet Richard would love that!

Lou: Oi, sarcasm is mine

I really wanted to answer with: "And your friend is mine, but you still hang with him" But, I didn't

Athena: If you say so Lou

Zayn: Love it! The color and you are gorgeous

Liam: I agree with everything the guys said!

I got kind of blue when I saw all of the boys answer except for Niall, but I just let it go, I wouldn't want to be that controlling type of girl. Since I was little and read Wattpad, or physical books as well, I always saw people normalizing and romanticizing toxic relationships, and it's something I will never agree with.


After a long 5 hours of shooting pictures of myself, that included different, and quite revealing outfits, I was ready to go home. Some of the outfits I used were: Some leather pants and a leather jacket, that by the way didn't include a bra or a shirt, which made me 10000x times more uncomfortable. There were also some light pink pants, and a white crop top, which quoting Bailey: "It made me stand out". There was also another white dress, but this one looked like a princess' one. I also wore some beige jeans, with a brown crop top, that if im being honest, was my favorite. And way more outfits that I cannot even remember, I was exhausted and just wanted to go home and get in bed.

I got out of the studio and noticed that it was already dark. Sighing, I got my keys from my purse and put them in between my knuckles. This is what I hated about being a woman. Ignoring the looks and stares I was receiving, I got my phone and sent my live location to Anna. I wasn't far from home, so it wasn't that bad to walk

"Hey baby!" I heard someone call, but simply ignored it, knowing it was another catcall

"Don't try to play hard to get, babe" I heard the same voice talk

"Leave me alone" I yelled

"You know what? You would look good under me"

I was done

"And you know what? You would look good under" I made a brief pause "A restriction order from me"

He harshly grabbed my arm, and turned me around

"Alright, if you wanna do it this way" I whispered to myself

Quickly I kneed the man in the balls, punched him in the gut, stepped on his feet, and punched him in the nose

Thank you Dad for teaching me self defense

I quickly got home, running and a bit panicked. Even if I acted tough with the guy, on the inside I was having a panic attack.

I called the lift and opened my door, everything was dark

"Anna?" I asked

"Boo!" Someone yelled and made me scream so high that even Whitney Houston would be scared of that high note. The room erupted into laughter, but i didn't laugh. I covered my face with my hands, and soon, the laughter went away. Sooner than I thought...

"Hey, hey, baby... Baby, are you alright?" A soothing Irish accent whispered. Concern clear in his voice

"I have scared her since forever, I don't know why she's upset" Anna whispered to Niall

"Come here, babe" Big strong arms wrapped around my waist and I hid my face in the crook of his neck

"I got catcalled Niall" I whispered, low enough for my sister and Niall to hear

"Oh, Ath. We're so sorry, we didn't know" Anna said in a soothing voice, and wrapped her arms around me "Im so sorry"

"Did you see the man who talked to you?" Niall asked, putting his hands on my waist, forcing me to face him

"I did, punched him in the balls, gut, and nose. I also stepped on his feet" I couldn't help but crack a little smile, being proud of me for standing up for myself and giving that guy what he deserved

Niall cracked a smile as well

"That's my girl, I'm proud of you"

In that moment I looked deep into his eyes, knowing that my feelings were growing bigger with every single thing we did together. Richard may say what he wants to say, but I think I want to bend the rules.








I really wanted to show what women experience every single day of their lives. Even if this is fiction, women experience disgusting experiences like this every single day of their lives. And I know this is supposed to be just a fanfiction, but I really want to transmit something else than only a story with our celebrity crush

Remember you are valid, loved, and enough. I'm so proud of you and I love you

Eat something, drink some water, and sleep a bit if you haven't.

Remember that even if some people have bigger problems than you it doesn't mean yours aren't valid.

Lots of love,

S xxx

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