"Who is not coming, Princess?"

"Your Lady."

It took him a second before understanding what she meant and then, not quite believing it yet, his eyes dropped to her clenched fist.

How the HELL...

"You're just a little too late," she continued, eyeing him like she was the cat and he was a mouse, which, honestly, felt kinda weird. "You couldn't save her in time."

A break and then, so low Chat almost missed it, "I guess no one could."

"It's impossible..." he muttered, refusing to admit that this was real, that Ladybug had lost and was now... Where? And most importantly, in what shape? Was she alright? Was she hurt? He knew his Lady, she never would've given her earrings willingly. Never in a million years.

The memory of one particular night a few months ago came back to him. They were out patrolling, technically, but instead, they were just sitting on the Eiffel Tower, looking at the city and the stars. It was peaceful. Those were his favourite nights.

"Are you afraid, sometimes?" he had suddenly asked, not daring to look at her.

"Of what? The height?"

"No. Well, I don't know. Of everything. Hawk Moth. Life. Death."

She hadn't responded immediately. "Yeah. All the time. I don't know what it's like anymore to not be scared, to be honest."

Chat had nodded, relieved to know that he wasn't alone, that she understood him.

"If things were to turn badly... No, listen to me, please, Bugaboo."

She had sighed but didn't try to interrupt him again.

"If things were to turn badly, I don't want you to ever feel guilty. I've always known what I was getting myself into. You need to know that this is the best decision I've ever made. You're my best friend, and I wouldn't trade this life for any other."

"I can't lose you, Minou," she had answered, trying hard not to cry. "Please. I can't ever lose you. You can't leave me. You're too important to me. But... It's the same for me. I wouldn't trade this, trade us, for anything."

She had rested her head on his shoulder. He could feel the tears she couldn't contain anymore dropping on him. He embraced her with one arm and they remained in this position for several minutes, completely silent. After a while, she had whispered; "Promise me something."


She had straightened up to look him straight in the eye, dead serious.

"No matter what happens, if we have to go down, we'll go down fighting."

He had no hesitation. "I promise."

Yes, he was sure of it. She never would've given her earrings without a fight.

Oh gosh, where was she? How was she?

"It's impossible," Chat Noir repeated, his mind conjuring horrible visions of his Lady broken and in pain, somewhere all alone.

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