After hearing the twins say, "Roger!" And saluted to the mongrel, he rolled up the window and the twins dragged us inside the Limo, driving away somewhere while my gut was telling me to just jump out the car with Haruhi, but the twins and the other host's blocked every exit of the vehicle. I glared harshly at Tamaki as I try to get away from Kaoru's hold and try to let Hikaru to let go of Haruhi.

"Is this a kidnap?" I asked with a twitching glare.

"What?" Tamaki asked as he laughed a little at my question. thought I glared harder like daggers were ready to be thrown, making him shut up and clear his throat.

"Ehem. Um.. the host club will just have a little vacation today," Tamaki explained with a scratch on his cheek. I sighed out my irritation, thought some were still in me as I looked at him.

"Then why didn't you twits just asked us, instead of being kidnappers." I asked as I rubbed my temples in annoyance.

"Well you two would obviously decline," Hikaru then says as he finally let go of of Haruhi, Kaoru doing the same thought he looked a little dejected when doing so.

"God.... This club is going to be the death of me.." I mumbled to myself as I tried to relax a little.

~Back to Present~

And I meant it I thought to myself after remembering what happed earlier.

"This is a theme park operated by my family's Ootori Group, the Tropical Aqua Garden," Kyoya suddenly says. I glanced at him, seeing he had a drink in his hands, it was slightly odd for me to see that his black notebook was actually just laying beside him, at his table.

"But I thought your family was in the Hospital and medical business, right, Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi asked again with a puzzled look.

"Now that you mention it.. you're right." I said as I also looked at Kyoya for answers. Kyoya just smirked as he looked at the pool in front of us, before answering.

"Well, we like to diversify and take part in various businesses., but this place is part of the medical business." Kyoya paused as he took a little sip in his drink. I hummed as I looked at the pool and the artificial plants in front of us.

"Some people get bombarded with stress and the feeling of breathlessness and even if they wanted to relax in this tropics many cannot due to time or economic constraints. Therefore, this theme park is a recuperation type of place for those kind of people. We, the Ootori Group, always think about the happiness of people." Kyoya finished explaining with a small smirk as he adjusted his glasses.

I looked away from him with a look that just say, "I don't believe you"

That sounds preposterously suspicious and hard to believe... I thought to myself, sweat-dropping.

"It's opening will be next month, but today the whole place has been booked for the host club as a special premiere invitation," Kyoya told us, I hummed again as I watch the twins along with Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai, Happily playing in the water.

"What a peaceful feeling... This time, we won't even have customers whom we must serve. It's just like a repose for the handsome teenage soldiers, I guess." Tamaki said with a smile.

I felt myself smile at the twins and at my senpai's.

"That's a pretty dramatic way to put it, but yeah," I agreed.

"Haru-chan! (M/N)-chan!" Honey-senpai's sudden cheerful voice called for me and Haruhi. We turned to him as he continued his overpowering sunshine and jolly personality.

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