"And they aren't interested in any kind of payment or exchange of goods for returning the device," Commander Riker added.

Riker, Geordi, and Data had spent the entire morning attempting to negotiate with the council in an effort to obtain the device peaceably. But the council had no desire to turn over the device. To the jarls, this device was the key to their future.

"Our choice is to violate the Prime Directive," Geordi said as he motioned to Data.

"Or to win it back," Data said seriously as he finished Geordi's thought.


"And you are certain you will be able to pull this off? It seems this vessel will require a significant overhaul before she will be up to the specifications necessary for this task," Captain Picard asked as he scanned the schematics Geordi had handed him.

They were seated in Captain Picard's ready room.

Captain Picard laid the schematic on the surface of his desk and leaned back in his chair.

"Have you considered who you would like take aboard, Lieutenant? You'll need a good crew," Picard asked.

"Only the best, Sir," Geordi replied. "I'd like to request permission to bring Commander Data as my First Officer. Worf at the Tactical position. Chief O'Brien for Engineering—Wesley has offered to assist him. And I'd like Commander Riker to serve as our spotter."

"And for the Helm?" Picard questioned.

"The only one I trust is Tasha," Geordi said honestly.

He knew Tasha had her fair share of experience piloting federation vessels. Most importantly, he knew that Tasha was the only one on board the Enterprise that had actually competed in races like this before. Sure, her experience doing so had mostly been with ground vehicles, but Geordi reckoned the skillset would crossover – she was competitive, quick on her feet, and had the concentration needed for a long race.

"A fine crew indeed," Captain Picard said as he concurred with Geordi's choices.


Geordi left Captain Picard's ready room and made his way to Data's quarters. He buzzed Data's chime and Data called for him to enter.

Stepping inside he found Data at his workstation.

"Hello, Geordi," Data said without looking up.

"It's a go, Data," Geordi said excitedly.

Data immediately set down the isolinear chip he was working on and looked up at Geordi. He cocked his head to the side as the left side of his lips curled upward slightly.

"We are in the race?" Data asked.

"You better get packing. We're beaming aboard the Sullivan at 05:00," Geordi said.

"Understood," Data acknowledged.

"I've got to get down to Main Engineering and load supplies. It's going to be a lot of work to overhaul this vessel and we don't have much time do it in," Geordi said.

Geordi turned and made his way to the door.

He stopped suddenly and hurried back to Data's workstation.

"Data, could you do me a favour and let the rest of our crew know about the start time tomorrow?" Geordi asked.

"Of course, Geordi," Data nodded.

"Thanks!" Geordi said with a smile.

He turned back for the door. It slid open. But before he could step through it, Geordi stopped again as realisation hit him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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