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(This first chapter is just a little info on the OC's so there is more you will learn about them in the story)

Name: Ray ShigarakiAge: 15Quirk: DissolveRay's quirk allows him to reduce any solid object into a liquid if he touches it with all five fingersPersonality: quiet , smart, blunt, curious

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Name: Ray Shigaraki
Age: 15
Quirk: Dissolve
Ray's quirk allows him to reduce any solid object into a liquid if he touches it with all five fingers
Personality: quiet , smart, blunt, curious

About: Ray is Tomura's younger brother and doesn't know much about his family other than his older brother. He was a few months old when Tomura destroyed their home and family but Ray was saved by Tomura because he did nothing wrong to him

Tomura is overprotective of his brother not only because he is the only family he has left, but he reminds him of his older sister Hana and his mother. Ray has Hana's jet black hair,  his mother's gentle touch, Tomura's red eyes, and his own birth mark that lays under his right eye

Ray lived a secluded life. He was mostly raised by Kurogiri with the exception of his older brother Tomura. He never went out of the league until he was 11 when he snuck out once and met Inei. Even though he lacked human interaction he was kept entertained with playing video games with his brother Tomura

Growing up wasn't as traumatic as you would think it was. Although having a psychopathic brother he lived pure until the age of 9 when he first killed a person. Of course it wasn't on purpose, he accidentally touched one of Shigaraki's minions with all five fingers and was unfazed by it according to Kurogiri. "Ray was more mature for a kid his age and was a fast learner" is what the league thought but deep down inside Ray was traumatized and never saw his quirk the same

He grew up with a slightly similar view on the world as his brother. He thought his world was full of fake heroes, all of them were fake, putting a smile on their faces to show their strength when all they thrive for was money and power. You could say he looked up to the hero killer Stain at some point but desired to keep that to himself since his brother despised the vigilante

Many things  interested Ray so he tries them all. He would ask other members of the league to bring him things from outside. He asked for comics, tools, old parts, or scraps of metal until he was allowed to explore the city for himself and collected and stole all different kinds of things

What interested him the most was the street art he would see occasionally on alley walls or run down trucks and cars. One day he learned about spray cans and was eager to learn how to use them and how to find them

He took an interest in music after meeting Inei in his music shop. There he learned the bass guitar and piano quicker than expected

He learned how to speak Spanish but still had some trouble with it but he does understand the language.

Name: Inei KosumotoAge: 46Quirk: Devils CharmInei's quirk allows him to transform into a demon when wanted

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Name: Inei Kosumoto
Age: 46
Quirk: Devils Charm
Inei's quirk allows him to transform into a demon when wanted. His quirk also gives him the properties of a demon itself
Personality: blunt, intimidating, humble

About: Inei grew up in a loving home but that didn't stop him from living his life to the fullest. He joined a yakuza at the early age of 13 and got into many fist fights that led to some scars and injuries

Being in a yakuza was a dangerous yet exiting life for Inei. Later on he became the leader of his yakuza at the age of 21. He didn't have time for romance much since he was busy keeping his members out of the eyes of heroes and police so he never got himself into a real relationship

But as they say every good thing has it's end, as he one day got caught fighting men off in an alley way and was charged 20 years in prison

Luckily for him after spending 11 years in prison he was free from charges after his mother paid off for his release fees. After spending time catching up with his mother he decided to start his life over and try something new

He started his own music business and sold different types of instruments from bass to clarinets. His life was reversed from a yakuza leader to shop keeper and he couldn't have asked for more

That is until one day a boy walked into his shop soaking wet from the rain outside. He didn't know what to do with the boy but being nice enough to let the boy stay inside the shop until the rain stopped

With the time they had together they bonded with the boys interest and curiosity of music and the instruments that decorated the shop. Once the rain had ended the boy was on his way but was stopped by Inei offering him free lessons on any instrument he wanted

Their bond grew by the years and one could say they had a bit of a father and son relationship

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