36. mommy needs us

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Cold air blew in from the windows as their paws carried them across the dark corridors of the castle, their hearts hammering in their chest all along the way.

They had been right; that letter hadn't brought any good news at all. Far from it, in fact.

The two girls felt a lump in their throats but nevertheless tried to restrain their tears as they neared Professor McGonagall's office.

Well, at least one of them was successful. Juliana couldn't see quite well while she ran as her tears were falling a million per second.

As Mareena knocked on the Professor's door, she handed her sister a handkerchief and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Mareena, herself, wanted to cry. She was so scared. 'Was it time for it already?? It couldn't be..' she willed herself to not lose hope and to stay strong; it'll all be alright in the end. Hope was, after all, the only way she could keep going at the moment.

"Miss Vasilios! Both of you," Professor McGonagall cried out in astonishment as her sleepy eyes adjusted to the sight of the two girls in front of her. "Surely you are aware of the time?!"

"Er-yes, Professor," Mareena replied quickly, her throat dry. She cleared her throat and looked down at her feet as she went on, "Professor, our mom's really sick. Our dad wants us home. Can we-" she paused, holding her hand to stop it from trembling. "Can we please-"

"Of course, Miss Vasilios," McGonagall replied gently as she understood. Now that her eyes were wide awake, she could see the fear in their eyes and her heart instantly softened.

She had to admit, she'd always had a soft spot for them - them and those four boys - no matter the amount of mischief they caused. "Come in."

She led them into her cosy-looking office, and lit the fire in the fireplace with a flick of her wand.

"Have a seat while I inform Professor Dumbledore about your request."

The two girls waited patiently for Professor McGonagall to return. They didn't speak but each knew what the other was thinking. They had to reach home quickly.

Mareena stared quietly into the intense flames dancing in the fireplace as Juliana looked at the piece of paper in her hand. She scanned the words once more, trying to convince herself that it was all real.

Dear daughters,

Please come home. Mommy needs you.


'Mommy needed them. They had to reach home quickly.'

They jumped from their seats in relief when the sound of footsteps approached them.

Professor Dumbledore came striding in with Professor McGonagall, wearing light blue-coloured night robes and a matching blue night cap with bright yellow stars on it.

The two girls may have found it highly amusing had it not been for the current circumstance.

"Professor McGonagall tells me you've been called back home urgently," he stated with a questioning look as though waiting for a confirmation.

Both girls nodded their heads in response.

"Ah I see. Then I have no objections. Minerva, please let them use your fireplace. I'll inform the rest of the Professors about your absence and your belongings will be sent to you as soon as possible. Vasilios Mansion, I believe?"

WHEN WE WERE YOUNG : marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now