17. true friends

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"I'm sorry you had to go through all that," Remus says sadly.

"I can't believe it," James mutters, looking shocked. "How dare they do something like that?! I'm pretty sure they're just jealous of you."

"It's alright guys. It was a huge shock at first but we got over it," I reply with a shrug.

"Those girls are really mean..." Peter says with a frown.

"Exactly. Who knew girls could be that scary?" Sirius remarks with a smirk, trying to lighten up the mood.

"We can be. Believe me," I reply with a laugh. They were right. It did feel good after talking about it.

Maybe it'll help if I tell them about...

No. Don't think about that now. It's horrible enough to see it in my dreams, I don't want it to haunt my waking hours as well.

"It was just bad luck running into them like that. What happened to you anyway Ree? You looked so pale before," Julie asks, looking worried.

"Oh it's nothing. I was just feeling a bit dizzy and then I tripped. That's all," I say dismissively. It wasn't a big deal anyway. Nothing to worry about.

"You should take some rest," Remus suggests, looking concerned.

"Thanks Remus. I will. And thanks guys. You've all been really kind."

"No problem. Anything for our friends," James replies with a wink." But if they bother you again, we're not letting them get away with it. Right boys?"

The others agree and although I don't want them doing anything stupid and getting into trouble because of us, the gesture makes my heart swell with happiness.

The common room is buzzing with activity. The fire spreads warmth throughout the room and I can hear people talking and laughing and it makes me feel comfortable and warm.

Perhaps, I've found true friends after all.

Julie and I spend the rest of the night doing our assignments and writing our letters to mom and dad. The boys went up to their dormitories early; they had something to do apparently. Probably trying to devise a plan to prank the Slytherins.

It's funny how I've known them only for a day and yet it's so easy to predict their actions.

Well, I tried my best to stop them. If they end up in detention, it wouldn't be my fault.

Besides, I have to admit. I'm kind of curious to know what they're planning to do. As long as it's not very harmful, I'm fine with it.

WHEN WE WERE YOUNG : marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now