Beautiful rainy day

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« Why are you looking at me like that? » I asked smiling at him and looking at him back. Even if I looked at him everyday, he never failed to make me slightly nervous and make heart flutter.

« I'm just admiring you. » he said as if if was obvious.

« Oh stop it, there's nothing pretty to look at » I pointed to my tired face.

« i think you're wrong, you're really pretty. I think you need glasses because I only see the most beautiful girl in front of me. You're perfect » he said then putting a strand of my hair behind my ear and looking at my every feature. I couldn't help but blush at what he just told me. He is the real perfect one.

« Thank you » I chuckled. He chuckle back in response.

We stayed side by side for the next twenty minutes reading our book and sometimes looking at each other and smiling. I was really happy with him.

After a while I was starting to get bored so I decided to do something that I never thought I would be.

« Hey, you know what? Let's get out of here. » I told Mattheo.

« with pleasure » he took my hand and leaded me outside of the library as if he was waiting to get out of here all his life.

It was still raining outside so I took it as the perfect opportunity to make him see the rain as the same way that I see it. I want to show him it's beauty. I was now the one leading him outside of Hogwarts.

« Why are you going in the rain? » he asked with a questioning look on his face.

« You'll see. » I smirked. I let go of his hand and ran in the rain and extending arms while closing my eyes o feel the water hit my body.

It still felt as amazing as it used to when I was younger. That made me so happy o started to laugh out loud. I'm sure Mattheo thought I was completely mental. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at my direction. I made my way towards him and gave him my hands for him to take them and join me. At first he looked hesitant but he took them anyways. I started to dance a little and moving his arms for him to do the same and dance with me.

« You're something else Maria » he said while laughing as well. Merlin his laugh is beautiful. It mixed perfectly with the sound of the rain hitting the ground.

Even if there wasn't music, we were dancing like we were the only one in the universe. We didn't need music to feel the rythme inside of us. I've never seen him having fun like this. It made me happy to see him happy. It really was one of the most beautiful moment of my life. It's impossible for me to forget about this magic moment that we shared.

After a good 30 minutes of dancing in the rain, our body were becoming tired so we lay on the ground side by side. At first it was silent and we just appreciated the moment that we hated with each other. We were enjoying the company of the other one.

I turned my head to look at him and he was simply breath taking. His wet curls falling lazily on his forehead. His clothes were soaking wet but he didn't seem to care. A little smile was placed on his face. He was gorgeous. I didn't know how I looked at the moment but I really didn't care. I was just living because at the end, everyone is gonna die and no one is gonna remember me so...fuck it. I decided that I would make every single day unforgettable and make them all special.

Then, he turned his head in his turn and looked at me, his eyes immediately met mine. We smiled at each other and he got a little bit closer to my body. His hand found it's way to my hair and stroked it slightly, his hand than reached my face and stroked my cheek then my chin, the bridge of my nose, my forehead, my ear and at the end he let his hand rest on my neck. None of us were talking, but the silence was so loud. It's like we understood everything the other one's feeling. We were connected.

Then, I did the same. Placed my hand on his head and moved his hair out of his face. His beautiful curls fitted perfectly in my hand. I traced all his face like he did to me to remember every details and every part of his by heart. I traced my fingers along his scars that he had on his cheek and on the bridge of his nose. Every imperfection in his face was perfect in my eyes. At the moment, I didn't care if the rain was cold, I didn't care if I was gonna be sick the day after because all I cared about right now was him and only him. My best friend, my lover and my soulmate.

« You know, I've always thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. » he suddenly spoke in a low voice that made my heart melt. I smiled widely at him.

« And I've always thought you were the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. » I replied. He smiled back and kissed my forehead.

My body was starting to get colder as we weren't moving from the ground and I started to shake a little. I didn't want to move from here, I wanted to stay like this forever. Mattheo noticed that I was starting to get cold and I think he was too because see the goosebumps on his arms.

« Come on darling, I think it's time to go back before we get into trouble for missing classes. » he said while getting up and giving me his hand to help me get up from the cold ground. I took his hand and we made our way back to the castle.

« Thank you. » I said while holding his cold hand.

« What for? » he looked at me.

« For making me believe that I still get to have a happy ending. » I answered then I felt him squeezing my hand even more than he already was and rubbing his thumb on my freezing knuckles.

« All the pleasure is mine and I gotta thank you too because you too, you made me see life a different way, I was loosing hope until I met you and I'm fucking glad I did. » I was expecting this response from him. It's true that I didn't really know about his past and what he's been through. I could never imagine what it would be like to have the dark lord as father. It must've been painful.

The rest of the walk we spoke about random things and we laughed about silly things we did when we were younger, I told him why I liked the rain that much and he told me that he saw a first year getting scared by the ghosts in the school.

After about ten minutes of walking, we finally reached the big school and entered to get ourselves warmer.

« Miss Prince, Mr Riddle, can you explain why you missed most of your classes and why are you soaking wet? » we heard a strong voice speaking to us from behind. I immediately recognize that voice. Professor Snape.

Ah shit...

Helloooo, i hope you're doing well❤️ thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to give me your feed back hihi ✨😘

One more day.  ; Mattheo RiddleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon