What a Cruel Mind

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The trip to the library was less eventful than last time, not requiring Persephone to take refuge upon Loki's head of black locks. He set her down upon a wooden desk claiming to be back with some research materials. He promised that no one ever set foot in here other than him and the librarian; who usually was asleep at her desk, so she was at no risk of being discovered. Persephone found her gaze drawn upon the murals painted upon the roof. The two warriors in  battle against the ferocious dragon, a practiced wizard, and the scholars heavily immersed in their studies. Once again she longed for the adventure and courage that these extraordinary people show. Her shoulders slump inward from the weight of grief of her past. She feels as though she has wasted it already at the age of seventeen.

"You are rather fascinated with that mural, no?" Loki questions.

She jumps slightly startled by his silent approach.

"For someone so big, you're rather quiet." Persephone remarks crossing her arms, quickly looking away from the roof.

"Yes, well unlike my brother I am practiced in the art of observing rather than participating."

Loki sets the pile of books he holds down lightly on the table. The impact however still rattles her despite the gentleness. Tremors that Loki probably isn't even aware of.

"Speaking of Thor, where is he?" Persephone asks, craning her head up to look at Loki's concentrated expression.

"I have no idea, most likely on one of the tasks my father has sent him on."

Persephone nods walking over to the towering stack of books running her hand along the spines, "So this is what we have to go off of?"

Loki sits down, reaching for a rather thick volume. "So far... there are more but these are the ones I am most hopeful of."

She walks over to the book splayed open in front of Loki climbing atop it. The words are far too big for her to properly read causing her to walk over the page, by the time she finishes reading the title she is out of breath.

She hears Loki chuckle behind her and feels the familiar sensation of his fingers pinching her waist to set her back to the table.

He shrinks a book and hands it to her, "Perhaps this will be easier?" He says with humor.

"Perhaps..." Persephone says drily glaring at him.

A few hours later...

"There's gotta be something around here!" Persephone yelled, infuriated that they were clueless with answers. All of the books spoke of Asgardian power, none of them mentioning a Midguardian possessing the powers she had shown. The shrunken book is thrown heavily on the ground and kicked by her foot. The hardback caused pain to radiate in her toes but she welcomed the sensation, allowing it to take her mind away from the lack of findings. Unwanted tears pool in her eyes. She turned away from Loki, not wanting him to see her so vulnerable.

"My dear... we can come back tomorrow and continue to search. Why don't we retire to the room and have a nice dinner." He says gently, catching on to her irritation. She tuned him out, tired of feeling so helpless, so weak, so small. Her thin, pale arms unconsciously wrapped around her in some sort of comfort.

Then a comforting warmth encompassed her form. She heard gentle murmurs of sweet sayings, the rumble of an immense chest, and a light caress upon her back.

Her tears could hold back no more as Loki held her so gently.

This immense, powerful god had shown her mercy, kindness and protected her when she had needed it.

He was there.

Just there.

All she had ever hoped for.

She had wanted a friend who would share her happiness and sadness, the good times and the bad times, their hopes and their sorrows.

Who cared if he was a hundred feet taller than her, she was safe and happy here with him.

"You know my dear, a rather short mortal told me that in order to have a lasting friendship we must speak of our worries instead of bottling them up inside. Perhaps you would like to speak of them to me."

And so she told him. About her self-pity, the feeling of worthlessness, and the other toxic things her mind had created for her. And Loki listened attentively, a gentle rub on her back reminding her he was still there. 

He pulled her away from his chest to look her in the eyes, reaching a gentle finger to wipe her tears."Sometimes we are our worst enemies. We strive to do our best but the world puts us down. Don't let this cruel world put out that flame in your heart and soul my dear, you are far too precious for that."

Loki brought her back to hold her with gentle firmness against his chest, and so she hugged him back with as much strength as she could muster. Sobs dwindled in her throat and chest. And she was happy, thankful to have a good friend named Loki. 


This nightmare woke her out of a dead sleep. Sweat covered her body, her heart pumping furiously with adrenaline. How odd that the rising and falling chest under her was in such peace. But not for long.

"Loki, get your ass up!" She yelled, loud enough for him to hear. Sleepy green eyes blinked open catching sight of her disheveled form of frizzled hair and clammy skin. His awareness sharpened quickly, capturing her in a protective fist holding her close.

"What is it?" He questioned with a growl searching for an intruder or threat.

Persephone struggled in his grasp, a little tighter than it usually was but in no way cruel.

"I'm fine Loki, no harm here but I think I have some ideas about my powers."

Loki listened to Persephone as she talked about her dream. They were seated at the desk, his head rested on his hands as they had been many times before. Persephone paced anxiously back and forth. Loki yearned to halt her movements but he felt she needed a way to let the anxiety escape her somehow.

"I think that guy that kidnapped me knows about my powers. I think he was holding me captive to learn more about me. That would explain why he never seriously put me in danger, afraid that I would well.. do whatever I do... You know?"

He nodded. He had suspected that the stranger had knowledge of Persephone's powers, but hadn't been entirely sure enough to mention it to Persephone herself. This all made sense to Loki, but what he dreaded was the next part of the plan.

"If we are to know any more information there is a chance we might have to talk to him? I'd go with you, but in order to shrink to human size, it would cause you to stay at your present one. The Bifrost can only manage so many changes at once."

"So I would still be small?" She asked, halting her pacing. Her attention was focused all on Loki.

He nodded.

He watched Persephone's face carefully. She looked unhappy, which was a given. And begun pacing once again, stopping when she asked her next question.

"I-I'd be with you the entire time?"

"Yes, on my person always," Loki reassured, glad she was considering the plan.

She took a deep breath in and out.

"Then let's do it." Persephone agreed. 

Looks like we're off on an adventure! Thanks for reading this story and for all the stars I have received from you guys.

The Girl With Bad LuckOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz