He was about to leave the room, but Izuku stopped him. "Suzuki-san, I have a question."

"Go for it, kiddo."

"Who was the person with the red wings? He looked so cool." A sparkle was visible in his eyes, and that warmed the older man's heart.

"That was Takami Keigo, but soon he will be known by the name Hawks. He will be a hero, just like you one day."

Takami Keigo
Hero name: The Wing Hero: Hawks
Quirk: Fierce Wings
His quirk grants him 2 large red feathered wings on his back and consequently the ability to fly. He can also telepathically control the movement of every individual feather, often using them as projectiles.

The man left the room, and thoughts overcame Izuku.

What if I'm not good enough? What if I don't see Kacchan ever again? What if the Hero Commission is just- No, don't think that. They can help me, I promised mommy to be a hero and this is my chance. With new motivation he sat down at his table to eat his lunch and to study.

3 hours later Suzuki entered Izuku's room again. "Come on, it's time for your training. First of all you start with a 2 miles run and after that, you have to train in your gym."

Izuku was so done. It was his first day here and his muscles were already sore. His back ached, still, where his wings were connected to the muscles of his back. "But I'm tired." He stood up anyways and did what he was told.

After dinner he just collapsed onto his bed and sleep slowly overcame him. I hope tomorrow will be different. Mommy, I love you, goodnight. With those last thoughts he passed out completely.

At this time he didn't know, just how wrong he was. This would be his life for the next four years. But, at least, over the time, he and Suzuki became close friends.

Suzuki, indeed, tried his best to let Izuku feel comfortable, and over time the thoughts about his mother became less.

But everything good must come to an end.

It was a day like any other, at least, that's what Izuku thought. He just finished his studies, when Suzuki entered his room.

"Hey, kiddo, I think we should try something new. For the past years we just improved your flying. It's time for the other parts of your quirk." A chuckle escaped Suzuki's mouth at the sight of the confused face of the boy in front of him.

Despite the four years that had passed, his face looked practically the same. Still chubby-cheeked with huge green eyes and untameable, green hair. In other words, the innocence in person. That's what made the fact that he lost his mother at such a young age just more hurtful, even after all the years Suzuki worked with the boy. "What I mean is," he clarified, "that it is time for you to train your illusions."

"Oh." Now, Izuku just felt dumb. How could he forget that there is more to his quirk than just his wings.

"Yeah, oh." Suzuki mimicked, grinning. "Now come on, little owl."

The two of them left Izuku's room. After a few minutes walk they reached their destination; the sports field. Over the years, this place had hardly changed.

"Okay, now show me what you got." Suzuki beckoned him to come closer. "No false modesty. Let's go."

Izuku did what he was told, concentrating on Suzuki's mind and trying his best to create an illusion. At first he succeeded, so he tried a bigger illusion, but didn't thought of anything particularly. That was the moment the control over his illusion slipped out of his hands.

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