Everything Changes.

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While walking down the streets I noticed every single thing that has changed the shops the chatwala the peoples they grew old and of course the biggest change was me I was not with the three most important persons of life.

Damn I miss them! should I met them after all I am in Banaras now maybe I am not back for good but even if its for few days I should met them without letting any single thought to change my mind I took out my cell and searched for their contacts

I am not sure the numbers might have changed what if it hasnt changed yet but its been so long how would I know after all we werent in touch for 6 years

Oh Damn! are you blind cant you. I froze there when someone bumped into me which results as my cell on ground my eyes into her and my heart beating with mixed feelings.

Sameer what the heck? when did you came back? And why didnt you called us Arunachal spoke at high of her speaker voice.

I was about to say something after being zoned out when I say a male physique hand in hers. I was not sure should I say hello or tell her how I miss them and how much I wanted to call them every single day I was confused. Apart from all I just wanted to know who this person is how did she changed so much her appearance was not as it was before she was wearing a dress which was not so her, she always wanted to be dressed as a bruh girl even on her eyes kajal was not on them

Well, every thing changes even your shadow shade change.

She waved her hand Infront of my eyes and said are you there? Sameer

Its been so long. How have you been I asked her with a look on my face which was easily readable that I am shocked.

Of course, Its been so long oh by the way he is Yash my boyfriend I guess you know him

7 years back

I was lost in my thoughts while sitting with our group on round table at the middle of a cafe when

When Zoya said Just dont turn around I am seeing a couple past the third table at the corner and the girl looks like Riya.

Riya the topper who always behave as the good girl but actually hurt everyone

Yes oh god thats Mr.Mallik the one rich boy who doesnt come to school but passes all the exams in power of wealth

Until Zoya finished her sentence we all turned and look even though she told us not to.

The rich punk is with Riya Arunachal was high as usual and with the blessing of every single god in the history yet Riya saw us even her rich guy turned to us.

Riya got up from her seat held Mallik hand pulled him out in a flinch of second.

Whats wrong with you cant you be a normal speaker why you have to be so extra all the time Zoya spit out with anger tone which was absolutely correct Arunachal does this kind of things all the time she doesnt see whats around her even if its exam hall she asks and say anything at the level of loud speaker.

Jeevan calmed Zoya down as I was staring at my food to deny the mistake, we all did by turning around because as for Zoya shell activate her lucifer role of punishing us for not doing what she told us she is the boss a real boss and thats her all-day thing bossing around others.

Zoya calmed down her cheeks were still red with anger this always happen as well as Arunachal was sweating this is so usual, we all are scared of Zoya because she is the worst when things go down and not according to her

You know that girl Riya was said to be the best girl among boys just because she has never dated anyone nor have, she ever talked with any boy around and thats is one of the reasons she bullies everyone around with her rude tone and showing off I have always thought how did she managed to afford a car when her family is a middle class but now, I am clear about the reason

Her father always visits us with family due to the family friendships plus my mother always compete me with her saying I keep on hanging around my group with two boys she always taunts me.

Zoya was all correct when she said those lines, we all know about the brown parents no matter how broad minded they are at some point of life they gonna tell you to stop

If you are a boy, they gonna say, be like a boy, boys dont cry, boys dont do house hold work, boys dont do cooking, boys are cheaters, boys are irresponsible, boys should get a job find a girl marry her have kids and grow old and if you are a girl, they gonna be like be a girl, girls dont dress like that girls dont go out if its not for study girls shouldnt study much their duty is to marry an unknown person and stay with them forever no matter how that person is.

If a boy and girl seen in public the thing that comes to our mind, is they are dating which can be true but it can be a different thing may be that boy is her brother or friend or just a stranger talking about something or asking for help what ever is the reason whatever is the bond no one think about the right of judging anyone they dont have the right to be nosy they just cant mind their own business.

This same thing was going here so I asked Zoya to stop talking about anyone else and for the first time she listened to me she said I know its not well to talk about her its her personal life let her do whatever she likes.

So, what else you gonna order Jeevan it was your belated birthday treat I moved and looked to Jeevan

Jeevan was silent and his behaviour was different it was kind of mood I guess but how he doesnt get periods

You here? Jeevan. Zoya waved pinched him

Aah what the hell Zoya cant you behave

His voice was clearly expressing frustration

Woah woah calm down Jeevan what is wrong with you? Why are you shouting? Arunachal was now standing up with hands on her back.

Nothing I am fine order whatever you like

I know you have crush on her but you dont need to behave like this with us

Zoya and me choked on our food what?

You like that bitch and we didnt knew about it treats you right now.She is with Mr. rich goon as I said Zoya is savage she didnt cared more and laughed hard.

Shut up Zoya I showed her the look

Come on Sameer why did he never said we could have had helped it treats him right for keeping this secret. Now what you going to do tell us or not?

Ok I liked her but I knew you all with make fun of me if I had told you about my crush and how the hell did you knew Arunachal? we all looked at her that if he didnt tell her the who did how did she found out?

I got to know that 2 weeks ago when I borrowed your laptop unfortunately you forget to remove your search history after that I started noticing you everything was just a guess until today when you reacted.

Quick witter Arunachal Zoya applaud.

You know what Jeevan I can help you with the rich goon information.

I was thinking that do I ask her to stop giving him advice or help him out with the information.

He lives in Delhi whenever Its about the summer break he comes to Banaras obviously not for school but for vacation which is now clear what type of vacation he spends here he is from the ten richest family of India.

His parents own a multinational company. Even our school receives most of its donation are from his dad.

I dont wanna know much Zoya about his family and all itll be fine if you tell me his name.

His name is Yash Mallik.

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