the fight

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amber was driving she gets the mask out and puts it on.

 at golf and stuff a girl was taking pictures her name was   Tasya van Ree.

all of the sudden the door opens it was amber and Alex.

" who are you???"  Tasya yelled.

" im just your best wanted me to pay or should i say pay back!!??" amber yelled. 

" amber?" Tasya gasped in horror.

" kill her!!" amber barked her fans fire tasya ducks and gets her gun. " come on!"  she said.

tasya shoots amber amber doesn't collapse  she spits out the bullets tasya misses.

" okay okay fine im on your team don't hurt me please I'm sorry!!!" tasya bagged for her life.

" its okay my friend." amber smiled.  "  Ladies and Gentlemen, I will be your host for the remainder of the evening."

meanwhile with the girls they're in traffic  Natasha honked her horn.

" come on!!!!!!!" Barbara yelled.

the car drove the girls hurry to golf and stuff. 

after the drive they arrive Candice was getting ready to beat the crap out of amber heard. 

" we will come with you!" Natasha said.   

" good to protect me from amber. " Candice said.

" well we don't wanna let amber win! lets go!!" Barbra yelled.

the two girls run into golf and stuff.

amber tied Alex up in the punching game machine. " now lets just say we can go for a big bang!" she asked getting a time bomb and activating it. " the party is over in 10 minutes!"

Candice hid  in  the walking dead arcade game she panted. " alright Candice you know a girls made of...." she said then a amber heard fan found her. " crap!"

" get out of there!" a amber heard fan growls Candice came out then  punched the fan in the face knocking the fan out. 

" Candice!"  Barbra said coming to Candice. 

" hold it you two!" a another amber heard fan growled.

Natasha knocked the fans out by kicking them.

" lets find Alex!" Natasha yelled.

the girls ran to amber.

" let him go!" Candice yelled.

" or else!" Natasha added.

" girls!!"  cried Alex.     

 " Alex don't panic  we will save you! just don't move!" Barbra said coming closer then amber starched Barbra's arm with her long sharp nails.

" OOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY ARM!!!!!!!!!!!!" Barbra screamed in agony.   

" stay out of this!!!!!!!" amber yelled.

" amber wait!" Alex cried.

" grr!!! this isn't the time Alex!!!" amber scowled.

" i just wanted a hug!" Alex said 

" a hug?" amber asked calming down.

" yes!" cried Alex.

" uhh amber i cant shut this thing off!" tasya said.

Candice meets the mask      jim carreys the mask parodyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora