Barbra's secret

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Candice, Natasha and Barbra are in the building the wore talking about the mask and how it works.

" i-i saw it all the golf and stuff incident it was you....." Barbra said.

" i know..." Candice sighed.  " its making me powerful...but this thing is ruining my life!" 

" well you really don't need it..." Barbra said.

" gosh barb you mean it?" asked Candice.

" well actually  no.........." Barbra said.

   " what?" Candice asked then the doors open it was amber , cara and her fans.

" what took you guys so long i was waiting for you to come!" Barbra said.

" what's that?" amber asked pointing to the green mask.

" its the mask when Candice puts that thing on she turns into jim carrey." Barbra said.

" what the bloody hell are you doing?????!!!!" Natasha yelled.  

" sorry girls you did your best!" Barbra said.

cara dragged Candice by her hair then gets close to amber. 

" so Candice how does this mask work?" amber asked.

" just put it on please put it on!!!" Candice shouted.

amber looked at the mask it shimmered a green light a dark cloud appeared on top of her she puts it on she yelled in agony.

the cloud covers her body then the cloud disappeared she was  muscular her eyes wore red.

" ahhh what a rush!" amber said in a deep voice.

 " how are you feeling?" cara asked.

" better then ever!!" amber replied. 

" leaving...let candice go i need to talk to her." Barbra said.

" why?" amber asked.

" i just want to talk to her JUST LET HER GO!!!!!!!!!!!" Barbra yelled in  rage.

cara lets Candice go  Candice got up.

" follow two Natasha!" Barbra said.  

" okay....." Natasha said.

the girls follow Barbra to her house to her lab it had potions lots and lots of potions.

" im Annie ross......" Barbra sighed.

" what? "Candice asked.

 " i really am..." Barbra sighed. " look ill show you."

Barbra got her phone out and shows Candice it was Annie ross she was making a potion after it was finished she sighed then drank the potion then she grunted in pain then she fell as her voice changed she got up her hair got longer her face changes  her skin turned lighter her size shrunk and ages into 16 her transformation is compete   Candice gasped in shock so did Natasha.

" i know i faked my own death so i wont die i made a permeant 16 year old potion i told Pamela and told her not to tell anyone." Barbra explained.

" so cant!!!!!!" Candice shouted.     

" you must be a stunt playing her!" Natasha cried.

" I'm actually Annie ross please! believe me! just don't tell anyone!" Barbra cried.

" okay...." Candice sighed as she calmed down.

Candice meets the mask      jim carreys the mask parodyWhere stories live. Discover now