Chapter 32

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I took the packaging out of Gemma's hands and went to the bathroom. I looked at her one more time before I walked through the door to do what I had to do. The test was a simple one from Clearblue. Not even I could be dumb enough to misread the result.

A little while later I found myself sitting on the bathroom floor with Gemma on the opposite of me, I placed the the test upside down in the middle, between us on the floor and set the timer of my phone on three minutes.

„I could throw up right right now when I think at what I'm doing here." I said, hiding my head between my legs.

„Me too and I'm not even the one that, you know...But listen, pregnant or not, everything is gonna be fine."

„Mhm." I nodded.

The ringtone of my phone went off.

„The time is up, I'm scared." I said.

„Turn it around, you have to know."

I picked up the white piece of plastic and slowly turned it around.

12-14 weeks

I looked up at Gemma, who was still waiting for my answer.
„I'm pregnant..." I didn't know if I should be sad or happy.
Gemma placed her hands in front of her mouth. Her eyes widened.

„Y/n, your gonna have a little baby! My brother is having a baby!" she told me now smiling at me like an idiont.

„I'm gonna be an aunt!" she said.

I couldn't help but smile too, until reality hit me.

„Wait, does Harry even want a child? He is in the middle of his career and now I'm having a baby. It's gonna mess up everything and we're still so young and only one year together. How will he even react when I tell him about it?"

„Hey calm down sweetie, the most important thing is, that you're happy. Are you?" She asked.

„I think I am, I really am, yes I'm happy about it. I always wanted children at some point in my life and I can't imagine having a baby and raising it with someone else than Harry." I said placing my hand on my belly.

„Don't worry about Harry he is going to be happy. Believe me he is my brother I know him, he will do everything for that child." she told me.

„Okay thank you Gem. Please don't tell anyone about this until I figured out how to tell Harry." I said.

„Of course, I won't tell anything I promise."

We got up on our feet and I took one more look at the test.

„I'm having a baby!" I screamed out and we both jumped up and down out of excitement while we held our hands.

„I'm so happy for you!" She said and hugged me.

„How can I keep this from him for another week? Usually I tell him everything." I said, heading to the kitchen.

„You can't tell him over the phone." she said.

„I know and I don't want that either. By the way do you want to have breakfast here or do you want to go home?"

„I think I'm heading home, I have to change and get some things done. Can I leave you alone? Are you feeling better?"

„Oh yeah, go....and I'm not alone..." I said proudly smiling at her.

Gemma smiled at me. She then got ready to leave and hugged me before she got out of the door.

Since it was morning and I was hungry now, I poured cereals in a bowl that I grabbed from a cabinet and added some milk.
I picked up the bowl, made my way to the living room and placed myself on the couch.

„Now it's just us two huh, your daddy is gonna be here soon too. He is gonna be the best daddy in the world and he is going to love you so so much, like I do already." I talked to the little bean inside me. It was weird, I still have to get used to that feeling of having life inside of me.

„Oh look, he is calling me, now you can hear his beautiful voice."

I answered to the call and put Harry on speaker.
Finally I heard his voice again.

„Heyy love how are you?" he asked on the other end.

„Morning, I miss you so much, but we two are gonna be fine the next six days until you come back." I told him.

„Oh is Gem still with you?"

„Uhm yeah..yes Gemma is still here with me, we had a lot of fun these past few days."

„Sounds great, I miss you too darling but there are some important things that we have to do here, I'm sorry I couldn't take you with me." he told me.

„Don't worry, as long as I hear your voice through the phone everyday, I will survive."

„Haha good, I have to go now, see you soon love." he said.

„Love you, bye." I said.

„Love you too baby."

He hung up and I was relieved that I managed to talk to him without giving away something about the pregnancy.
Now I have to find a way to tell Harry about it. I have no idea how to tell him.
Should I surprise him? Or should I just give him the test?
I don't know...the only thing I know is that I'm scared. I'm scared to tell him but I'm mostly scared about his reaction.

I knew I had to make an appointment at my gynecologist to check on everything but I decided to wait until Harry is back.

I didn't know what to do today, I haven't had anything planned and I just found out that I was pregnant and I couldn't tell Harry, yet.
I mean I found out Harry and I are gonna have a baby. After the following nine months there will be a little baby in our house.

I was freaking out. How could I handle a baby? I don't know anything about babies and I'm so young. I mean I'm happy about it but it happened out of nowhere. And how am I gonna manage this with all the expenses? Harry can't pay for everything and I don't get that much for my work to raise a child....

The next few days passed slower than ever. I was going crazy. I was out everyday with Gemma shopping or doing something else to pass the time.
The only thing I got was the present for Harry for our aniversary.

So the day came, Harry was coming home today. It was the day of our aniversary and I was waiting for him at home, alone.
I had his present ready on the kitchen counter and the pregnancy test was hidden in my pocket.
I was nervous, he should be home any minute. His plane landed a few hours ago so that means he is on his way back home.

Then the door popped open...

„I'm homeee! Where are you sweetie?" he called cheerful when he entered. „I want to finally hug you!"

I heard how he let his bag flop on the ground and then walked around the corner to the kitchen where I was waiting for him.

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Meant to BeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant