Chapter 10

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„Wait what?" Y/n asked with big eyes.
„Oh no no no I didn't mean to- I- I-„ I tried to explain.
Why did I just say this, it's probably way to soon to say that to her.
„You really love me? I mean I love you too but do you really love me?" Y/n asked.
„How couldn't I?"
„I don't know, I just don't know what it's like to be loved by someone." she said.
„Now you know." I told her.
I leaned in, placed my hand on her neck and kissed her.
„It feels good." she said.
„That's what I wanted to hear."
„Harry are you sure you want to go to the concert tomorrow?" she asked me.
„Y/n I can't just not go, I want to be there for the fans and for the band and I want to be there because I love performing. And don't worry I'm really fine." I told her.
„If you say so. Well I'm gonna be there too and by the way Lizzy is also gonna be there and help me with the pictures, I don't know why but she wanted to come so badly."
„Oh really?" I asked.
„Yes, why?"
„Aren't you a little jealous of her?" I asked her.
„Eehm noo why would I?"
„Don't pretend like you aren't. When she started working for us you were already here and it seemed like you didn't like her." I said.
She looked away as if she knew that I was right.
„Uuuuh it is trueee. You really don't like her." I said.
„It's not that I hate her, it's just sometimes she's fangirling over you and talking about how she would want to kiss you and feel your arms and your muscles and then she's talking about how she wants to see your tattoos and I just can't stand that." she explained.
„Now I understand, you are jealous of her because of me. Haha but she is a little weird I have to admit that."
„Just a little?" she asked.
„Hahah I love it when you're jealous." I told her.
„Can you please stop laughing at me?" she asked.
„Sure sure."
I tried to stop but I couldn't so I just changed the subject.
„Listen tomorrow after the concert Louis throws a party because of his birthday." I told her.
„God I totally forgot about his birthday, how could I forget that, I have to get him a present tomorrow." she said and jumped up.
„Oh it's okay but do you want to come? He told me to ask you."
„Sure I'll come." she said.
„Great but just that you know, there are gonna be a lot more people at his party than there were on mine." I said.
„At least he is not getting punched in the face like you did." she said.
„Thanks for reminding me of that again." I told her.
„You know what, I was actually really scared when it happened, I was just hoping you weren't gonna punch him back because you were so angry." she said.
„I didn't know that."
„Now you see how much I care about you, mister." she said.
„I appreciate it, thanks....Can I ask you something?" I asked her.
„Why don't you take the day off tomorrow and let Lizzy do everything and you can come as my guest to the show and really enjoy it for once? You're always working and you deserve a day off." I said.
„Could I really do that?" she asked.
„Of course." I said.
„I don't know if I should, what is my boss gonna say about this? I can't just do that."
„Once again I'm technically your boss and you can just do that. You know what I'm gonna call him and tell him you take the day off tomorrow." I told her.
„Alright thank you."
„No problem love."
„Hey it's already 09:00 pm and we hadn't eaten yet, can we order a pizza?" she asked.
„Ohh I'd love to, I'm starbing." I said.
We ordered two pizzas and when they arrived we ate them on the sofa while watching friends.

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