Chapter 30

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{four years ago}

25th May 2012

I was running down the street, scared that I would be late for my first day at my new work.

A few weeks ago I found out I got the biggest job that I could ever imagine to get.
When I applied for this position I would've never imagined that they would pick me. A young 17 years old girl that just graduated from the university I studied photographing from that searched for a job for the first time in her life.

So I was running down the street, with all my equipment by my side. People were looking at me, they probably thought I was crazy but I didn't care, I was happy and nervous at the same time.
I finally could see the arena so I slowed down and walked so I could wait until I wasn't out of breath anymore.

I stood in front of the door that I was told to enter. I waited for a few minutes scared of what was inside these giant doors.
I opened them and stepped in. That's when I saw them. The five boys that were called
One Direction, the famous british boyband. They were in the middle of their soundcheck on stage.
I looked up from the ground and and my eyes met his.
I couldn't tell them all apart in the beginning but I knew for a fact that this boy that was staring at me was Harry, Harry Styles.
He smiled at me from a distance of 20 metres and I was standing there lost in his gaze.

He left his mic stand and walked down the few steps of the stage, walking right towards me. I turned around to see if he was looking for someone but nobody was there so I turned back and was surprised. Surprised by the boy that was now standing right in front of me, looking at me with his beautiful eyes and stretching his arms out to hug me. He came down for me, not for anyone else.

„Hey, I'm Harry, nice to meet ya and welcome to the crew." he said smiling at me after he let go of the hug.

„Hey, I'm Y/n...thank you, I'm pleased to be here."

„So where are you from? We heard that a young photographer would join our crew that is our age. Finally we are not the only ones around 17 now." he told me.

„I'm from Manchester but I live in London now." I said still clearly nervous.

„Oh really me too, well I'm from Holmes Chapel."

„Holmes Chapel? That's where my grandparents live." I told him.

He smiled at me and I was blushing over his infectious smile that stretched through his face.

„Let's go meet the others and I will give you a little tour of the arena after that."

„Weren't you in the middle of something?" I asked pointing to the stage.

„Oh yeah but we finished anyways so it's fine." he told me.

He was so cute and treated me like a friend from day one.
He grabbed my hand.
„Come on I'll introduce them to you."

I nodded and he pulled me with him to the stage.
The other guys came down the little steps too as they saw we were heading towards them.

„Guys this is Y/n, she is the new photographer." he told them.

„Heyy." they all said in a chorus.

„This is Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis." he said while pointing at everyone of them. They all smiled at me and welcomed me fondly.

I was standing in front of my microphone, we just finished singing What makes you beautiful, when the door to the arena opened and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen entered.
I looked at her and couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked in my eyes and I knew right away, this girl was special.

„You already have a crush on her lad?" Louis whispered in my ear standing next to me.

„This is different..." I told him not taking my eyes off of the girl.

„I'm going down to meet her." I said and made my way down the stairs walking straight towards her. She looked nervous so I smiled at her to calm her down. And it worked...she got more comfortable from time to time.
It was cute when she turned around to see for someone, she probably thought I was walking up to someone else.
I got to her and was standing right in front of her. She turned back around and faced me.
I hugged her, I felt like it was the right thing to greet her.
Her charisma was so special. She had a bright, warm laugh. I loved being in her presence, it felt familiar but at the same time it wasn't.
I never met a girl like her before.

Her bright brown eyes were locked with mine.

Until today, I still don't know how I managed to talk to talk to her and managing to form words and then sentences.

„Hey, I'm Harry, nice to meet ya and welcome to the crew." I said still smiling at her after I let go of the hug.

„Hey, I'm Y/n...thank you, I'm pleased to be here...."

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Meant to BeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora