Chapter 31

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„I just can't think of any ideas. Please Gem help me I'm helpless here, pleasee."

I was at home with Gemma, thinking of what I could get Harry for our one year aniversary that is coming up in a week.
One year already passed since we got together and I'm still madly in love with this dork.
„I'm sorry Y/n I have no idea either. It's difficult to get him something, it always was. He never tells what he'd like, he always says we  shouldn't get presents for him, bla bla." Gemma said.

We sat in the kitchen having dinner, while Harry was out. He and the boys were not even in the country right now. They had to go to LA for a special performance and a few meetings.
He was gone for two weeks now and comes back in six days, on the day of our aniversary.

I spent most of the time with Gemma since I didn't need to go to LA too. We had the greatest time and lots of things together.

Today Gemma and I cooked something together, well we baked. We made homemade pizza. It was my family recipe mixed with the recipe by family Styles.
We only just took the pizza out of the stove and started eating.

„You know I had one idea but I don-„
Suddenly the feeling of nausea came over me, I put my hand in front of my mouth and run straight to the bathroom.
I arrived just in time to bend over the toilet to vomit.

„Y/n what's wrong?" Gemma said running after me to hold my hair back and rubbing my back.

„I don't know, I wanted to eat when I felt like vomiting as I saw the food, so I ran to the bathroom." I said turning around and dropping myself on the ground next to the toilet.
My head was leaning against the wall.

„Poor girl, let's get you on the couch." Gemma said rubbing my leg.
I pulled myself up and staggered to the livingroom onto the couch.

„Are you getting sick?" Gemma asked while she handed me a blanket and sat down next to me.

„I don't think so, I feel good, I just felt nauseous for a second but now I fell good, in fact, I want to eat that pizza." I told her.

„Maybe you ate something bad yesterday and couldn't keep it down."

„Yeah, these chicken wings we had yesterday didn't really taste good when I think about it now."

„I told you, you shouldn't eat them." Gemma said with a bossy look on her face.

„Yeah, yeah, you're right. Now give me some pizza please." I said.

„Are you sure?" she asked.

„Yes, I feel good, I'm hungry so let's eat."

Gemma got the pizza and brought it to the livingroom. We ate it on the couch while watching a movie.
Gemma spent the night at our house because we both fell asleep after the film ended.

Again. I felt nauseos again, like I ate thousands of different things even though my stomach is completely empty.
I was still laying on the couch with Gemma that morning. It was like 08:00 am and I couldn't hold it in anymore.
I jumped up and ran to the guest bathroom. I had to vomit but nothing came out really, as I said, my stomach was empty.
Gemma must've heard me and came to my side. I was bending over the toulet once again, trying to catch my breath.

„God Y/n something is clearly wrong." I heard her say while she put my hair in a bun.

„I don't get it, my stomach is empty, I didn't eat since I ate that slice of pizza yesterday." I told her, sitting down on the ground.

Gemma stood next to the sink leaning against the doorframe.

„Uhm Y/n, weird question, but when did you get your last period?" she asked silently.

I looked at her with big eyes. I didn't even think about that...I never could've thought about this.

„Noo, that can't be, it's impossible...but it really is weird, I feel like this for a few weeks now, I think it started around that time Harry left..."
I quickly ran out of the door to get my phone. I checked the dates and looked up to Gemma who was right next to me.

„And?" Gema asked and obviously can't wait to get the answer.

„I'm, I'm late..."

„How long?" she asked not taking her eyes off of me.

I turned around my phone and put it in front of her face to show her.

„That long?! How could you not notice?"

„I-I don't know I didn't pay attention to it, I was stressed because of my work and stuff that's probably the reason why....what am I gonna do now?" I asked totally shocked.

„Okay, let's calm down, that doesn't mean anything, you have to take a pregnancy test to be sure."

„And where do I get one?" I asked.

„Y/n, really? You can get one in the pharmacy. Just go and get one now!"

„Sorry sorry, I'm confused right now. But Gemma I can't go."


„Everyone knows who I am by now, when they see me in the pharmacy, buying a pregnancy test, everything will end in a chaos and I don't want Harry to know yet, not until I'm sure."

„Right, right...I'll go for you." She said.

„Gemma they know who you are too, you can't go." I told her.

„I don't care, it's not like paparazzi follow me, like they do with you and Harry. I'm just putting on a pair of sunglasses and everything will be fine."

„Okay thank you Gemma and hurry!" I told her as she already packed her things and got out of the door.
It was just me now, alone at home not knowing if I'm pregnant or not and the thought of it kills me.
I want to know.
I stumbled up and down the house waiting for Gemma to come back with the test. It felt like an eternity.

For these kind of situations I need Harry to calm me down but I couldn't tell him, I don't know how he would react. Would he leave me? No, I don't think so..right?

The door opened and I ran downstairs to meet Gemma that took out the test of her purse.

„Are you ready to find out?" Gemma asked.

„No....but I have to..."

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