"Mae, what do you have to do with Shadow Knight pack though? Please tell me you want nothing with them. I'm serious. They are bad news, Mae."

I looked away before I reluctantly answered. "It's William's pack."

As expected, at this something in him snapped. "Machae, that guy ruined your life!" he whispered-yelled.

"The Alpha of his pack ruined my life. He's the one who wanted my head." I corrected him. "I want revenge." I said darkly.

"So now you know my dilemma." I finished.

He shook his head. "No, Mae. Don't. That pack is a ghost pack. I'd been hunting werewolves for over 500 years. Not much I know about the pack, but what I do know is only bad news. They are the strongest pack I've ever heard, even I wouldn't dare to cross them." his eyes frantically screaming his warning at me as I stared at him blankly.

Seeing my reaction, he looked at me in disbelief. "It's a suicide mission, Mae."

At this point, I was livid. He, of all people, knew what I'd been through. He knew how hurt I was, how painful it was, he was there! Damn it! "Are you asking me to abort my revenge so my friends died in vain, Klaus?" I seethed.

"I'm telling you to let it go." He responded calmly. His eyes showed no games, mischief or deceit behind them. all my anger diminished instantly.

"It will only bring you danger. And I won't let you die. I will protect you. Always." His voice was sincere and I knew he meant every word.

"Please Mae, abandoned this revenge pursue and just joined me."

I let his words sink in as he watched me waiting for my answer. "I'll think about it, Klaus."

He didn't seem too happy about it but he was willing to let it go for now. "Why do you call me 'Klaus'? What happened to 'Nik'?"

Not going to lie, hearing her called him 'Klaus' hurt and annoyed him. She was the only one he cared, that he didn't want for her to see him as 'Klaus'. And...he also missed the way his name rolled off her tongue. It was smooth...spoken from her angelic voice. He loved it.

"I'll call you Nik when I've forgiven you." He opened his mouth to protest but closed it instead.

"I searched for you, you know." He told me. "I visited every witch there is. None can break your cloaking spell."

"I didn't want to be found." I told him honestly. "I'm a fugitive, Klaus. Every supernatural being knows it was the work of the hands of Petrova Witch and they want her head. I couldn't really rely on humans either. It wasn't a minor accident where you can just cover it up and walk away, it was a bloody national tragedy. Nevertheless, it is still the better option."

The use of his feared name from Mae hurt him but he understood she was still mad at him.

He knew it was only a matter of time before the supernatural world knew it was my identity while the human didn't even have a trace of my existence.

He knew eventually I had to leave.

"Stay." He tried to convince me. "I can and I will protect you, love."

I rejected it as I shook my head. "I can't rely on you at every waking hour. You have a different life now." I said referring to his baby.

He ignored my mention of his baby and took my hand in his, staring at my eyes deeply. "My life has been miserable without you. I need you, Mae."

"Don't pin this on me. You know how I feel and you couldn't say it back. Instead, what you did say was some mean shit."

"I care about you more than I ever care about anyone else. You know that."

VENGEFUL QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [3]Where stories live. Discover now