Spire part 3

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Right after leaving Ohio, you bought an apartment in New York City. You signed the lease and paid the down payment all in just a week. You stayed with a friend until you could officially move in. You had decorated it to your liking. The kitchen was large with an island, it had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a spacious living room. It was expensive but you were making good money and could support yourself just fine. The view was beautiful. It overlooked all of central park. All the different buildings of all different shapes and sizes lit up at night. It was breathtaking. You thought you had gotten everything you dreamed of. But you still felt as though a part of you was missing.

It felt kinda weird not seeing him all the time. There was never a dull moment when he was around. But you knew this was best for you, for both of you. Melo could continue on with his career and you with yours. After the first month or two of self isolation and depression, you thought it would probably benefit you to move on and start a new chapter of your life. You didn't want your past to define you. So you sucked it up and pushed toward your dreams of becoming a model.

You worked a lot. Traveling was a large part of your job and it took up a lot of your time. Nothing else in your life had more of your attention than your career and you liked it that way. You weren't looking for a man or crushing on anyone and you were happy. Although you did enjoy the occasional hookup here and there. You had slept with a handful of people in the last year. None of them were particularly bad but they weren't Lamelo, the boy you had spent almost all of you middle and high school years with. You couldn't help that you had grown so attached to him after so long.

If anyone asked you, you'd say that you and Melo had broken up because you fell out of love like mentioned before. You promised to yourself that you'd take the secret to your grave and so far, that's what you were doing. Nothing was ever going to be mentioned about it. Ever.

You flicked through Netflix looking for a movie or new show to watch. It was about nine o'clock and it was raining outside. The large floor to ceiling windows in your bedroom allowed you to see all of the city outside. You got knocked out of your daydream when the sound of a knock at the front door alarmed you. You weren't expecting anyone at this time of night. You got up from your bed and walked down the hall to the front door. You stood on your tippy toes and looked through the peephole.

You huffed unlocking and then flinging open the door.

"Kayla what do you want?" Your best friend stood in front of you with a bright smile on her face.

"Guess who gets to come out with me toniiiight?" Your best friend said in a sing-songy tone. You rolled your eyes as you walked back into your apartment. The both of you walked back down the hallway to your bedroom where you went back to the exact same place and position on the your bed.

"Kayla I am perfectly fine home, alone, and watching tv. Why do I need to leave the house?" You explained to the girl who just sat next to you.

"You can't spend all of your early twenties cooped up in the house. You have to get out and experience shit!"

"Like sweaty house parties with cheap liquor and couples making out all over you? Is that the experiencing you're talking about?" You asked.

Kayla paused for a second.

"Well when you put it like that you make it sound bad...but we are still going." Kayla smiled, matter of factly.

"I'm going to pick you out an outfit and we're going to have fun and it's going to be great and we're gonna get really drunk too, so I hope you have food on your stomach. I promise you won't regret it." She went into your walk-in closet. You moved so that your head was hanging off the side of the bed, looking over into the closet. Kayla examined the clothing, running her hand across a row of tops.

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