Spire part 2

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You were 17 and pregnant. You couldn't believe it. If someone told you you'd be in this predicament a year ago you wouldn't have believed them. But now it was a reality.

After crying on the floor of the bathroom like you were in some sad rom-com for about 20 minutes you got the courage to get up. You stared down at the positive pregnancy tests on the side of the bathroom sink. Five tests from five different brands, all positive. How would you tell your parents...how would you tell Melo, and then his family. They were going to think you were trying to trap him, ask him for an outrageous amount of child support and never let him see his kid.

Your eyes began to water again. You were in deep shit. The deepest shit you could have ever gotten yourself into.

A knock was heard on the bathroom door.

"Princess, I'm home. You okay? JJ said you weren't feeling good. I got dominoes." Melo's voice rang from the other side of the door. You were staying with Melo in Ohio while he played basketball at Spire Academy. You, JJ, Gelo, and Melo shared a house. Jaden was visiting as well which added another person to the house.

More tears began to fall down your face as you prepared yourself for what was to come. You couldn't hide it from him forever and he deserved to know about something that was such a big deal. You wiped your cheek with your sweatshirt sleeve and turned the lock on the bathroom door, opening it. Melo looked at you confused but worried.

"Did something happen? Did I do something?" He scanned your body with his eyes, taking in your disheveled state.

"I'm sorry." Tears were falling faster now, wetting your face more and more as you were letting out soft sobs now.

"Y/N, sorry for what?" He moved into the bathroom looking around before his eyes finally found the tests on the counter. He stared down at them, just like I was minutes prior. He didn't say anything and I couldn't read his expression. It was blank.

"I c-can get rid of i-it. I'll pay for the abortion and we don't have to tell anyone." You sobbed. He stayed quiet, still looking down at the test with the same blank expression.


It was silent.


"I don't want it..."

You couldn't believe it. You didn't think he would actually want you to abort it, even with you offering. You felt as though your relationship was a lie. Melo kept his eyes from meeting yours as he walked out of the bathroom. You found yourself standing in the middle of the bathroom frozen, you stared off into space. It was almost like the world had stopped around you. You heard nothing. You felt nothing. Your thoughts were completely clear. You had gone numb. And there really was nothing you could do about it. You couldn't force him to be in the life of a child he didn't want. Lucky you were too nice of a person to do that.

That's how you had gotten here. You sat in the abortion clinic just four days after you'd found out. It was quiet. You could hear the lady at the front desk typing away at her keyboard and the clock on the wall ticking second after second as you waited to be called to the back. The quietness wasn't making your nervousness any better. It was almost too quiet. It was kinda creepy being there alone. Melo was nowhere to be seen. The two of you had barely spoken a sentence to each other in the following days after finding out. The last thing he had said to you was the date of your appointment. You slept in the basement, not wanting anyone to see you on the couch in the living room. You'd wake up a little earlier than everyone else and go upstairs to make yourself breakfast. Melo slept in his room. He'd lock his door at night, keeping you from entering until morning. You felt like a fool. What made you think that he would ever want a child with you this early? He was just starting his career. He hadn't even gotten into the NBA yet. You felt like a whore and you hadn't even done anything wrong. You felt as though you were the reason why your relationship was no longer going to work out. He was either training with JJ, with his brothers, or out with his friends doing god knows what. But he definitely wasn't around you.

Melo said he would go with you to the appointment. He said that he would be there with you.

He lied.

Melo was currently out with Lonzo and Li'Angelo who had no idea what had been going on between the two of you. It was a part of the agreement that you keep strictly to yourselves. Nothing was to be said to anyone about the pregnancy or the abortion.

Rain poured hard outside and the sun had completely set. It was daylight savings so it got dark outside much earlier. The appointment was later in the evening, the latest they had. That's when you knew no one would be wondering where you were. It was dinner time and around the time when people were no longer hustling and bustling around the house. No one would notice. Tears brimmed at your eyes as you looked down at your phone lockscreen, seeing no calls or texts from him. Melo hadn't gone to the appointment on purpose but you didn't know that. You thought maybe he had forgotten but when you tried to call him his phone went straight to voicemail. You couldn't call anyone else to see where he was at. They obviously didn't and couldn't know where you had sneakily left the house to go, or about the situation all together.

A nurse walked out of the door to the back of the clinic where you would soon be. She held a clipboard in her hand. She looked out at the empty waiting room and saw you were the only person left for the night.

"Ms. L/N?" She asked double checking her clipboard and looking back at you.

You stood with shaky legs.

"Yes, ma'am." You smiled sadly at the lady and walked toward her, wiping a slowly falling tear from the left side of your cheek with your sweatshirt sleeve. You looked out of the front window of the clinic. You still saw no new cars in the parking lot. There was nothing that hurt you more than the fact that he didn't even come. He lied through his teeth right in your face. You should have known. You were nothing but a throw away now. You were aborting his baby. You no longer meant what you used to to him. You fought tears as you arrived in the small examination room.

"Just lay on the exam table and the doctor will be in shortly to start the process." The nurse smiled sweetly at you. You gave her the best smile you could muster back at her. She left the room and you let out a large breath you didn't know you were holding in. You knew your relationship was over now. There was no doubt in your mind.


You lay on the examination table after the procedure slightly sore on your bottom half. The feeling was quite uncomfortable. The doctor was nice. She made sure you were comfortable through the whole thing. She gave you an extra strong Motrin to sooth the pain which you had just taken a few minutes prior. She told you to take as long as you needed to get yourself together to leave. You didn't want to move. That numb feeling was intensifying.

You planned on going back to the house, getting all of your belongings, and leaving. You wanted nothing to do with him anymore and you assumed he didn't either. You would just go to live with your parents. Tell them that you and Melo had broken up because you fell out of love and leave it at that.

Or so you thought.

Story written by: melosleftbigtoe  on tumblr 

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