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After explaining your whole little life story to Suga, you felt weights lifted off your shoulder. Maybe this could lead to a good friendship after all.

Since you both were walking together you thought it may be a good idea to invite him over to help you revise for the test tomorrow. You felt confident in actually passing this test but thought it would be best for Sugawara to come over and help you revise just a bit more

"Hey loser, come to mine? The test is tomorrow and I wouldn't mind a bit of extra help? Only if your up for it of course"

Just because you've established a friendship between you both that doesn't mean that the snarky remarks and names would be put to an end.

"Anything you want m'Lady"

"New nickname i see, so we moving on from ma'am?" You questioned low-key sad

You were never going to admit it but these nicknames always made you blush a bit, especially the new one "m'lady".

"I'm just switching things up a bit ya know, I'm always full of surprises" he replied ruffling his silver hair back making your face heat up.


Suga had never been inside your house before, every time you guys studied it was always at his place, usually because he always offered it to be there.

You unlocked the door and made your way inside, Suga following right behind you until you both made it to the outside of you room. Turning the knob you motioned Suga to enter in.

"Nice room, not as good as mine though" he glanced around looking at everything inside, he admired how lovely and decorative it was.

rolling your eyes your replied "Do you ever shut up?"

"Nah not really" the boy replied admiring the thousands of plants you had lying in your room.

"Hey did you know that Kiyoko asked me to be manager for your team?" You started while grabbing your books and pens from your bag.

"Did you accept?" Curious to your answer. Suga thought it would be amazing to have you as a manager. Not only would it benefit the team by having someone take over when the third years graduate but it would also mean that Suga could see you more often.

"No not yet, if I'm being honest I don't know if I even want to do it but then again I do have to join a club so if I had to be one I might as well"

"I think you would be great at it! The team would love you" he excitedly replied.

"What if they hate me..."

"No one could hate you"

"You don't know that"

Suga walked towards you, now standing inches away from you. He lifted up your chin and stared at you directly in the eyes, you could definitely feel your pupils dilating by the second.

"Miss [F/n] [L/n] I am telling you right now that no one could hate you so I think you should listen to me since I am the one who's passing my classes" he teased, his soft fingertips still on yours.

You practically froze on the spot. Usually this is where you would come in with a smart comment or say something about how stupid he was, but nothing. All you were thinking about was how you could feel his warm breathe on your skin, you body was starting to tense up.

'Stop it [L/n], say something anything'

Nothing. No words came out of your mouth, just you and Suga.

He let go of your face gently still keeping eye contact with yours. He swiflty walked away and grabbed his books and pens out.

"Time to study m'lady"

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 // k.sugawara UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now