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After a couple minutes when you were sure that Sugawara was out of your sight you left the classroom and decided to wander around the halls to get a better look at the school.

Seeming that you had only explored one classroom for two hours and the bathroom when you asked if you could excuse yourself.

Being that it was your first day and you had not-so-politely turned down Sugawara's offer to sit with you, you were left you always were but hey, it was very peaceful.

With your hands in your pocket and your hoodie over your head you were hoping you'd find a vending machine around here. You sorta despised attention, hence the whole 'sitting at the back of the class' thing so at least with your hoodie on and head down no one would give you the time of day.

Mom wasn't kidding when she said this school would be bigger than my old one  

You were close to giving up on your vending machine shenanigans when you spotted one close to some drink fountains close by. 

Placing your coins into the little slot you carefully decided what drink you wanted that would quench your thirst.

You decided on chocolate milk and pressed the numbers that corresponded with the beverage as you waited for it to drop down.

It moved forward but just as it was about to release the machine had somehow decided that today would be a good idea to freeze right in front of you.

For fucks sake 

"C'mon can't a girl just get her milk and leave !' you muttered under your breathe as you made an attempt to kick the rusty machine in hopes that your drink would fall out.

Not only did you not get something to drink but the machine had also eaten your coins, as if today couldn't get any worse.

Yeah you jinxed yourself on that one...

Suddenly a loud bang was heard from your right side. Low and behold your knight in shining armour Sugawara had come to save you from one of your many first world problem.

You saw the drink drop from the machines hold and bent down to fetch it before walking away.

"Thank you Sugawara for your help !" he imitated yourself before switching back to his own, "Oh no worries [NAME] it's no big deal"

"I don't sound like that" You argued back.

"Pretty sure you do"

"Fuck you"

"Language miss !" he faked an exaggerated gasp, hand making its way to his mouth to give it that extra effect"

You only scoffed at his attempt to be funny before walking off.

Sugawara yelled from across the pathway in attempts to reach you,"Hey what class do you have next ?"

"Is this how your attempt in starting a convo with me?" Halting on the opposite side of the pathway you turned to face Sugawara. It was clear that no matter what you did he wouldn't budge so you simply gave in.

He smiled a bit, giving himself an imaginary pat on the back that he finally got you to face him, "Well its seems to be working no?"

"PE, although I didn't pack my uniform since I didn't know I would have it today"

"You'll be let off since your new, its fine"

You both stood in awkward silence for a bit. You weren't accustomed to random conversations with people you just met an hour ago in the middle of the school outside lunch area, yet here you were.

A quick sip from your chocolate, which you'd probably have to thank Sugawara for... one day. You said "I'm gonna leave now" before things got any more weirder than it already was.

"No thank you ?" Sugawara pointed towards the milk in your left hand which you had taken another sip from. 

"Like you said, no big deal yeah ?" Smirking before you disappeared into another unknown hallway that would probably take you who knows where. 

filler chap idk?

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 // k.sugawara UNDER EDITING Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя