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A few days had passed since your study session with Sugawara. It was almost an everyday thing now for him to wait for you in the morning as you both strolled along to school.

You both had become relatively close with each other, he would even notice the tiny thing you did that no one else knew, not even you. Like how you play with your bag straps when you don't know what to say, twirl your hair when you're angry, or tap your foot when your'e growing impatient. He found these little things cute.

Every now and again he would invite you to his house to help you study, wether it was for Science or Maths he was always there to help you. On off days you would even join him and his mom for a cup of tea after school.

What he said to you that night at his house really made an impact on how you viewed him.

"You know you can trust me right"

Deciding that maybe you were a bit too harsh on him when you first came to this school.

Really your only other 'friend' beside Suga was Kiyoko. She was also in some of your classes and you both made small talk, her usually initiating the conversation first. Some days she would ask about the offer that standed between you becoming the second manager but you still didn't know wether you wanted to take that position just yet. You felt bad since she was being so nice to you but you're not gonna force yourself into something you don't want and might regret.

Some days you would go and watch the boys practise volleyball. Usually you would sit in silence and only ever talk to Suga or Kiyoko if they ever talked first. They were actually a really good team and definitely trusted one another, something you wish you could do so easily.


After today's practise you decided to wait back for Suga to finish practise and walk home with him. You felt really bad about icing him off the first couple weeks when you realised he was nothing but nice to you so you thought that the least you could do was owe him an explanation.

Suga spotted you twiddling away with your fingers leaning on the school gates. He wondered what you were doing out so late, something bad could of happened to you. Approaching you he gave you a little smile.

"Finally your here, and please don't start with excuses, let's just get moving" Not wasnting to test your patience you both set off.


The walk was silent, this time you couldn't really tell if it was a comfortable one or not, the only thing you could hear were the trees rustling and the wind blowing.

'Now or never [L/n]'

"Hey dork, can I say something"

He looked over at you confused that for once you actually started the conversation first, but nonetheless he let you continue

"Okay so um I-" you kept stuttering finding the right words to say

'For fucks sake [L/n] spit it out already" your mind was mentally screaming at you to spit it out but it wasn't that easy. You felt completely embarrassed that you were stuttering over something so simple.

Sugawara came to the rescue reassuring you "deep breathe [L/n], remember you can tell me anything"

"Sorry okay?" We're the first words to come out of your mouth. "I'm sorry for the way I acted and treated you when we first met."

His eyes widened, was he dreaming? 'Was she actually apologising' he thought to himself. I mean it's not like you had anything to apologise for to start with he believed.

"I just have a hard time making friends, the one person who I felt I could truly trust and had a good bond with went to a completely different high school to me, she's probably living her best life right now and doesn't even remember me"

"And a lot of people have let me down in the past, so I thought it was better if I just stick with as few friends as possible and sometimes none. So when I saw you being nice to me my automatic thought process was that it's fake, and that he's just pretending, he'll just ditch you soon, they always do"

you finished off "But your nice I guess, and I know that I can trust you"

catching your breathe your eyes glanced at Sugawara to see any reaction out of him.

"I knew you'd come around, it's just takes some time that's all" he announced which made your body feel less heavy.

You had one more final thing to say,"We are friends right?" your voice began to shake.

"Always have been since the day you told me to fuck off" he teased with a smirk forming on his face.

you chuckled giving him a soft playful punch,"Man you are such a dork"

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 // k.sugawara UNDER EDITING Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ