Good Morning? Ha, There Is No Such Thing

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Chapter 14

If there was one thing that I knew, my bed felt completely off. My entire body ached with stiffness and I couldn't smell the familiar fragment of my bed sheets. No warmth or softness. Odd; What is up with-

Wait a second....

Slightly regaining consciousness, I mentally began to panic until I realized where I was. I was laying flat against my back on prickly grass, my blanket over me with the familiar oak tree above and the blazing sun shining with Benny snuggled up against me.

Oh heaven..

I glanced over at him. One of his tan arms resting across my stomach, his large fingers gripping onto my waist in a firm hold. Part of his face was snuggled into the crook of my neck. He snored away softly with his mouth slightly agape. Seeing him like this, so innocent and adorable looking it took the most self control I had not to break into a fit of giggles. He was cuddling me like I was some overgrown sized teddy bear.

Don't lie, you know you're jealous.

Deciding that I was quite fond of this situation, I closed my eyes again and could feel my mind drift back into unconsciousness. However, what only felt like five minutes, an irritating boy-scream pierces my eardrums from above, sounding just like my alarm clock. 

I grit my teeth but keep my eyes closed. I was still so tired.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" I cringed to the sound of this high pitched irritating wake up call. Benny however, wasn't effected even the slightest. Lucky him... He groaned beside me, only shifting his position, snuggling into me more.

"Ham! Be quiet!" I overheard my very wise brother scold him. Ham had just received probably the most scholarly and educated advice of his life because you do not want to wake me up when I don't want to be woken up.

Something you should know about me is that I am no morning person whatsoever, and sure, you could say everyone is but you don't understand... I'm a different breed of crazy.

One year ago, Christmas Day, for instance; It was Scotty and I's first Christmas as a family after my Dad had married his mom. Scotty sprinted into my room in pure excitement to wake me and had tackled me playfully. However, my cranky-morning-self didn't take it too well. I had kicked Scotty square in the stomach in pure rage, mid sleep, like I was James Bond. 

That was the last time Scotty ever paid a visit to my room ever again.

It's like I have an evil twin or something. I don't know what it is. Not even my father is brave enough to wake me up in the mornings.

The only thing my dad and Joyce will do is call me from outside my door but they will not enter my room. Which, is understandable because I'm scary. How I look when I wake up only adds to the horror.

Sometimes, when my alarm clock goes off, I'll rip it out of the outlet and throw it across the room for it to shamefully smash to pieces against my bedroom wall. I kept extra alarm clocks in my closet for that reason.

Call me crazy if you want but hey, we all have our flaws...

"I'm telling you! Quiet down you guys!" Scotty warns them all.

See? Scotty knows his shit.

But, not one of the arrogant nincompoops were choosing to listen.

You ever have one of those times when you're sleeping but at the exact same time you are roused in a way? That's what was happening to me now, I sort of knew what was going on around me but I didn't have the composure to awaken. I heard the constant bickering from afar then the thumping of footsteps and as soon as I knew it, the boys were yelling at Benny and I as if they all were acting as a alarm clock.

The Sandlot - Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now