⋙ Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

“Oh really? What was your first clue?”

"The white walls... no, not coming into school." As always, Caspar was oblivious to the sarcasm. I didn't bother to taunt him about it though.

“How did you know he'd left?”

“Ms Singh said so this morning. He’s been taken off the registers, and no one's allowed to talk about him. It’s like he never existed.”

"Sometimes I wish that was true, so that I didn’t feel like this now he’s gone."

"He's only been away for two days you know."

"Yes Cas I'm well aware of that."

"How can you miss him that much then? Don’t you think this all bit… over dramatic?"

"He's gone, and he's not coming back. Knowing that hurts. If Joe ever leaves you, then you'll know how I feel. Until then, don’t even try to say I’m overreacting."

“You know what Troye I’m tired of your shit. You’re being too bitter. I don't like it."

"I'm sorry but you know what? I'm pissed off. I'm pissed off that I can't be with the one person who was right for me, that I'm probably going to be put in confinement, and you can't even ask how I am."

“I’m not your therapist.”

“No, you’re my friend. You’re meant to be there for me, during times like this, where everything’s crumbling around me. I need someone to rely on. If you’re not that person then get out.

Caspar put his hands up, standing slowly.“I didn’t come here to fight. I thought you’d want to avoid the topic, and then I... I didn't mean to be so... I’m sorry.”

He came over to me, opening his arms. Part of me wanted to reject him, so he'd feel as degraded as me. Then again, I would only be hurting myself further.

With my mind made up, I barrelled into him, desperate for comfort. We stood there for an age, tears streaming down my face. He didn’t seem to mind, telling me to let it all out. I’d held onto so much pain, more than I could’ve imagined.

When my eyes grew raw I let go, and I laid down on my bed. Caspar followed me over, and stretched out besides me.

“How are you feeling?"

I let out a long breath. "Shitty. Real shitty... It's like my hearts been pulled out my chest and left to be run over by a car."

He placed his hand in my chest, over my heart. "It's still there, beating loud and clear. I can feel it, even if you can’t right now. Everything will work out in the end, I promise.”


Upon hearing the interrogations were going on tomorrow, my parents advised me to go into school. I was still reluctant about returning, especially for something that was surely going to go terribly. Somehow I managed to get myself to go in.

A thick layer of anxiety was worn by every student that day. Hushed voices crept out of mouths, most whispering about Tyler. Careful steps were taken by even the most ungainly of people. No one wanted to go through with this. But we all had to, because it was the law.

The first lesson I had was powergy. Alfie was meant to be in that lesson with me, but en route he was sent to the interrogation rooms. I got into the room, surrounded by a crowd of fretful students. I sat down next to Dan, who seemed to have been there for hours.

“You coping okay?” I asked. He looked over at me. Large bags had under his eyes, and he yawned. It was clear he hadn’t had much sleep the night before.

Icy Inferno (Troyler AU)Where stories live. Discover now