☞ ︎Lunch Dilemas... ☜︎

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POV: Kaito (shocking I know)

I heard the dining hall door open and looked over at my sidekick and a sleepy liar, only he looked more calm, peaceful, like he didn't want to kill anyone. Maybe it'll be easy to get him to confess to whoever he likes, then we won't have to deal with death or Monokuma, and from how sleepy he is in only a few hours he'll probably sleep for at least a day or two. Shuichi sat Kokichi next to me knowing I would keep my eyes on him while eating to make sure he doesn't doze off while sidekicks eating. Sure enough, it happened. Kokichi was staring down at the plate of food in front when I saw his eyes close. Panicked at how long "long enough" was for him to go crazy I dropped my food and tapped him on the shoulder "Hey Kokichi! You gotta stay awake!" I yelled, however... he didn't wake up. Others across the table found themselves starting to panic as well. "Oi virgin wake up! This isn't a joke!" Miu yelled across the table. "Nyeh... Kokichi wake up or I'll use my magic on you. " Himiko said, trying to scare him awake with no effort. "Degenerate male don't ignore Himiko!" Tenko yelled next to Himiko. Soon enough all of us were panicking, except for Shuichi, who sighed and blinked a few times, looking tired.

POV: Shuichi

Oh lord not again... it's a deep sleep thing. I scooted closer to him and hugged him while shaking him a bit whispering to him "Hey Kokichi it's time to wake up now". After a few seconds, he sleepily opened his eyes and yawned, rubbing his eyes. I hated seeing him not acting like his happy-go-lucky self, thanks to that stupid bear. The others around us were shocked at the fact that he woke up when I did it but not when the others did it. I think it was because he's been with me waking him up so much that he got used to my voice.

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