Nohands: lol yea

Dadzawa: I never said that

DoneTM: you say yote??
DoneTM: it's yeeted

MamaMidnight: yes u did

IDontMiss: it's literally yote

MamaMidnight: need I pull out my screenshot?

Dadzawa: I literally never said that

DoneTM: all in favor of yeeted?

RockSolid: I

GenderlessVoid: I


IDontMiss: all in favor of yote?

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IDontMiss: all in favor of yote?

Dadzawa is offline

Resident Therapist: Majima and snipe, stop, we should be talking ab Izuku right now

IDontMiss: hound dog votes yote

Resident Therapist: stop

BigSpeaker is online

BigSpeaker: why's Zawa acting all bitter??
BigSpeaker: LMAO
BigSpeaker: IRONY
BigSpeaker: wow our names were so lame back then

MamaMidnight: that isn't what irony is, Zashi

GenderlessVoid: we owe good names to Izuku

MamaMidnight: my son is a king at names

BigSpeaker: didn't you give yourself that name?

MamaMidnight: I can't help that it fits
MamaMidnight: now shit up

DoneTM: lol shit

Dadzawa is online

Dadzawa: language

IDontMiss: I'm making the executive decision that yote wins

DoneTM: no

IDontMiss: yes <3

Resident Therapist: ANYWAY
Resident: Midoriya, how are you doing?

ProblemChild: I should be out of the hospital in a few days!

Resident Therapist: that isn't what I meant

MamaMidnight: can't you wait for the psychoanalysis until you actually visit him?

ProblemChild: psycho... analysis?

Resident Therapist: no

MamaMidnight: don't worry about it, Izukkun

Dadzawa: Izuku, get some sleep
Dadzawa: everyone else, shut up

Dadzawa is offline

ProblemChild: okay!
ProblemChild: bye everyone!

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