Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm" Rowan followed behind Steve, on to the roof of the building, Sitwell picked up his glasses, fumbling, lieing.

"Never heard of it."

"What were you doing on the Lemurian star?" Steve questioned, Rowan rolled her eyes, they couldn't make them any dumber.

"I was throwing up. I get seasick." Sitwell, stumbled as he reached the edge of the roof, Steve grabbing his suit jacket, pulling him back up and steadying him before lifting him in the air, only causing him to smirk. "Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're going to throw me off the roof? Because it's not really your style, Rogers."

Steve set the guy down patting his shoulders where he had grabbed him. "You're right. It's not. It's hers."

Steve and Rowan moved out of the way, Rowan smirked watching as the look of shock plastered onto Sitwells face as Natashas foot collided with Sitwells chest, sending him falling backwards, and screaming from the roof.

Natasha looked over at Steve and Rowan. "You know Rowan, heard you've got a boyfriend, new little agent, training buddy."

Rowan rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, as her cheeks turned bright pink. "Smalls, he's just a friend, Nat."

"He's your boyfriend?" Steve asked, looking at the younger girl, shocked, and eyebrow raised.

Rowan let out an annoyed groan, running her hand through her hair. "No, he's just a friend, not a boyfriend."

The three were interrupted by Sitwells screaming again as Sam flew above them, dropping Sitwell on the roof before landing as Rowan raised her eyebrows. "That's so cool."

The three made their way towards Sitwell, who was sitting up on his knees, like a coward. "Zola's algorithm is a program, for choosing insights targets."

"What targets?" Steve spit out, eyebrow raised.

"You...a TV anchor in Cairo, the under secretary of defence, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City, Rowan Green, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Natasha Romanoff, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA. Now, or in the future." Rowans eyebrows furrowed, a small smirk on her face, knowing she was a threat to hydra, but quickly it disappeared as she realized she was on the hit list.

"In the future? How could it know?" Steve asked, confused.

Sam stepped forward as Sitwell began laughing, looking back up at Steve. "How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught Hydra how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores! Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past and predicts their future."

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