The teenage girl closed her locker's door so forcefully that Adrien and Nino both jumped. But they understood why Alya was so angry. Of course, they did. Marinette barely smiled anymore and when she did, it was forced and never reached her eyes. She would only talk when someone directly asked her something and was always looking by the window, mind far, far away.

It reminded Adrien of someone else, too.

His lady always had the same look on her face. The same emptiness. She tried to hide it, he knew that, but that spark that was so characteristically hers was nowhere to be found. Had been missing for a while now.

He was trying his best to make her laugh, to support and help her, but he knew it wasn't enough. He could practically see the walls she had built around herself. The mask she had forged from the ashes. The hollowness in her heart and in her soul.

He was watching her die and he was powerless to help her.

If only she could just give him a clue, only one, so he could figure out who she was and help her. Save her. But she was so guarded, wouldn't even tell him her favourite colour.

He felt hopeless. Couldn't help either Ladybug or Marinette.



... Maybe?

No. No.


"Obviously, we can do something. When's the last time y'all had a girl's night or whatever?" Nino asked Alya.

"A while ago," she answered. "The girls all pretty much still like Lila, so she's always at the sleepovers."

Adrien sighs. "And Marinette isn't."

"Hey, I don't go either! I stand by my girl."

"But you're still invited."

"We should do something, just the four of us, like before!" Nino suggested, a huge smile on his face.

"Sure, but...," Alya paused, and then, "Won't your girlfriend mind?" she asked Adrien.

He almost missed the tone, the challenge. Almost missed the way Nino looked at his girlfriend, his eyes wide.


"Kagami won't mind, no."

Besides, she's not my girlfriend anymore, he nearly said.

It wasn't entirely true. They were "taking a break". Adrien wasn't comfortable with the whole relationship thing and Kagami had told him that he had a month to get over himself, or else it was over between them.

No pressure.

Just like... forget the girl you've been in love with for what seems like an eternity now, move on, fall in love with Kagami instead, and feel confident and happy in this new relationship in exactly... 2 weeks, 6 days and 7 hours now.

Yeah, no, absolutely no pressure.

Alya was about to say something, but Adrien would never know what because suddenly, the screaming started. After glancing at each other, the three of them darted for the doors but Rose, Juleka, Alix and Mylene came in, tears streaming down the first girl's face.

"What's going on?" Alya immediately asked. "Another akuma attack? There was one yesterday!"

"It's Marinette," Rose said through her tears.

"What?" the other three all exclaimed, shocked and yet, so, so disappointed in themselves. They should have seen it coming, they thought. They should've prevented it.

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