After a moment of silence that was kinda awkward, he finally decided to speak.

« So, Pansy told me that you weren't feeling well so I decided to come check on you. » how can someone be so kind to me.

« I'm fine don't worry, I just had a bad migraine that's all » I reassured him. He nodded his head in resounded.

After another awkward silence, he started moving closer to me. He sat next to me on my bed and I immediately felt my heart beating faster, what the hell is he doing to me.?

« Do you regret it? » he asked out of nowhere.

« about what? »

« Us, yesterday, the kiss. » oh gosh I knew this question would come. It was about time.

« No, I don't. At all. » I said honestly. I looked at him and I saw this beautiful smile placed on his face.

« You? » I asked

« Not at all. I would do it again a million time » he answered. My cheeks were burning like they were on fire.

Then, I came back to my senses and I came out of my trance. This cannot work. He cannot fall in love with me. That's just impossible. We can never be together. I have nothing to give him. Not even a futur. I'm only a sick girl that cannot be a good girlfriend and could never be. I cannot making him attached to me and then breaking his heart when I'm gonna leave. Also, when the poison is gonna get to my head, I'm gonna become crazy and unlikable. How can someone like him can like someone like me. He deserve so much more. He deserve someone that is gonna stay with him forever and grow old with him. He deserve to be loved for eternity. That's something that I could never give to him.

I started to panic and he clearly notice because he took my cold hand in his warm one and squeezed it.

« What's wrong Maria » Merlin. Just the way he's saying my name is making my heart flutter. Stop it Maria,you can't feel like this. I thought to myself.

« We can't...that cannot happen » I said while looking at the floor and taking my hand away form his hand.

« What cannot happen? » he asked. I could feel his eyes burning through my skin.

« Us, whatever this is. We cannot be together. I cannot allow you to get attached to me » I said as I stood up from my bed and stood kinda far away from him. I couldn't look at him in his eyes because I know that if I didn't, I would be selfish and walk back I to his arms.

« Why are you saying that, I like you and I'm sure you like me back too so why are you trying to distance yourself » he stood up too and started to walk towards me. As me was coming closer to me, I was walking backwards trying to stay as far as possible from him.

« Did it mean something to you that kiss from yesterday? » he asked. Of course it meant something. it meant everything to me for fuck'sake! But I couldn't say that. I needed him to hate me so he wouldn't be too sad when I'm gonna be gone.

« No » I said in a quiet voice. I lied. It wasn't really convincing I knew he didn't believe me because he took another step closer to me. He's gonna be the death of me.

« I don't believe you. » he said firmly as he stared into my soul.

« Look at me in my eyes and tell me you didn't feel anything or else I don't believe you » he spoke again taking another step towards me. He's really not making it easier for me.

« I didn't feel anything. » I responded in a whisper. Even me, I didn't believe my lie. I was now looking at him in his eyes and I didn't even realize he was that close to me. It made me walk backwards till my back hit the wall of my dorm.

« i think you and me know that it's a lie. » he took another step. One more step and our chest would touch. I'm sure my face was as red as a tomato.

He finally took one last step and now our face was an inch apart. I could feel his hot breath hitting my face. Why is my life like this? His knees were blocking my legs from moving, I was completely stuck between the wall and Mattheo fucking Riddle.

« I know you want me as much as I want you. » he whispered in my ear. I felt a shiver down my spine.

« We just can't » I finally spoke back. His face didn't even change it's expression.

« And tell me, what can't we? » he whispered again.

« Well, first of all, I have nothing to give you, not even a futur. » I said with a shaky voice trying to keep my cool. His body was so close to mine I'm sure he could hear my heart beating really fast. Then he kissed my neck. It made me jump a little at the sudden move.

« Mhm, continue » he said in my ear.

« Okay um, second of all, I've never really been in a relationship before so I would be a terrible girlfriend. »  he then kissed the other side of my neck.

« After? »

« Third of all, I have quite a bitchy attitude so we would always argue » he kissed just bellow my left ear.

« And? »

« And, I don't have a lot of time left so it would hurt you too much to see me leave you » I nervously said. At this point my excuses sounded pathetic. He went back to my face and kissed my burning cheek. I don't think he listened to anything I said.

« Kiss me » he said, it wasn't an order it was more like an invitation.

« I can't because if I do, I won't  be able to stop. » I said while looking at his eyes that were looking back at me with a loving look. I need to resist but don't know how long I can do this.

« You have too many problems love, I don't care about all you excuses. I don't care about how many times you have left. I don't care how much it will hurt me to see you leave. I just want you. All of you. » that kinda shocked me. I thought he would leave and never speak to me like this but I guess I was wrong...

« that's just impossible. » I breathed.

« It is, if we make it possible and we will. » he moved his hand that was placed on my arm to the side of my neck. As much as I wanted to resist I couldn't anymore. He won...

« okay » i finally gave in.

« Okay » he smiled proudly

Without anymore time waisted he smacked his lips into mine. I immediately kissed him back. This kiss was different from the one from yesterday. It was a mix from passion, hunger and desire. We both needed it. Even tho I told him that being with me could ruin his life, he didn't leave or even consider to stay away from me. He stayed and make sure to stay by my side till the end.

In my head, this relationship was impossible but in his, we could make it possible and that's what brought us even closer...

Hellooo i don't know what is this chapter I'm sorry. What are you thought about it? Do you have any requests? How should I continue this book? Is it sad enough? Give me your opinion to make this story better. Anyways love y'all! I hope you enjoyed hihi😘❤️💃🏼

One more day.  ; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now