Savannah barely got the chance to react when Bucky suddenly stood up grasping another pipe and landing multiple swings as Tony.

Soon enough, Tony locked the soldier in his arms. Savannah, given her now aching hand, grabbed the pipe and started for a swing before listening to Tony's words.

"Do you even remember them?" He asked. This was the first time Tony ever sounded so vulnerable. Like Bucky's answer would either tip his conscious left or right.

"I remember all of them." Bucky told him.

I guess his conscious went left, cause he's definitely not gonna like that answer..

Savannah swung the pipe in her hand, hitting Tony in the back and throwing them both off the side. Stark kept Bucky in his grip as the two slowly descended to the bottom.

Steve had jumped Tony, breaking his friend from Stark's grip as the three began plummeting to the bottom.

Savannah had just looked down at her hand finally realizing why it was in so much pain, a shard of the pipe had gotten lodged inside.

The pain making her whimper as she faintly touched the shard.

She could hear the yelling and groaning from where she was sitting, they needed her help.

With a painful cry she grabbed the shard and tugged it from her soft skin, the blood now flowing out.

She took off her left combat boot and pulled off her sock. This, sadly, was her only way of keeping her blood at the moment.

She took the sock, shivering slightly when the air hit her bare feet, and wrapped it around the bloody wound. 

She took her hair tie and tied the small band around her hand keeping the sock steady.

Savannah made her way down to the bottom bracket and watched for a moment as Tony threw swings at Steve, finally getting the man in red white and blue in his knees.

"He's my friend." Steve panted, blood falling down his lip.

"So was I." Tony retorted as he threw more punches at Steve.

Savannah made a run for it as she lifted a knife for her right shoe. She tackled Tony to the ground as he fought her.

Tony had pinned her to the ground as she pressed the knife up, struggling to force it at him and away from her.

The blade changed direction as Savannah began to feel worried.

Would Tony actually kill her?

"It wasn't me." Savannah spoke in a tone none were familiar with, none had heard before.

Her voice was laced with worry and pain, her vulnerability, her anger, it was all there. And just enough to make Tony hesitate.

She flipped them over and forced the knife into the side of his suit. "Listen to me, Tony. I didn't do this! It was my body acting without my head! You've been through enough to give people a second chance!" Savannah yelled as Stark finally listened.

"Its me, Tony. I'm not your enemy." Savannah panted as she got off of him.

The girl dislodged her weapon, which was now bent and dented from the suit, and put it down on the ground.

She didn't think Tony would stoop so low

Stark got up, ignoring her words as he let his anger flash through him once more.

He blasted her side as she fell, her head hitting the back wall, Savannah wished she had blacked out.

Not a moment later did she witness Steve becoming protective and fight for her. It was only a couple times Steve had done this for her.

Steve began smashing his fists against the painful metal of Tony's suit.

Again and again, hit after hit, punch and punch.

He grabbed his shield, successfully tearing off the helmet before lifting his shield one last time. 

Steve's last hit went straight to Tony's suit generator. Savannah let out a sigh of relief when he didn't go for the face again.

Steve panted, falling over the iron man, landing in the snow as Bucky looked up at Savannah giving her a look.

She nodded in response, saying she was alright.

Steve then, weakly, stood and grabbed the shield that had been sticking out of Tony's armor. Leaving Stark with a powerless suit.

Steve helped up Bucky as the now one armed man got to his feet, leaning against Steve. Savannah weakly stood as she then felt a bit dizzy leaning on the wall for a moment.

"That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!" Tony shouted.

"He didn't make it alone, Tony" Savannah told him.

Steve dropped it anyway. The three left Tony with blood still dripping from their wounds and their hair as untidy as could be.

Savannah realized a lot from that fight, mostly that it might not be the last. She had probably made a lot of enemies from being mind controlled, might even still not have all the answers.

But most of all, she realized how fast the team could turn on each other, and how quickly others didn't. Savannah noticed the strength of ones heart could overpower a man in a metal suit. 

She noticed how even when they were pushed down, even if it was countless times, they still got back up again. Not even a moments hesitation when they did. 

That was a real Avenger.


Tony opened a box from FedEx as he stood in his office of the Avengers building.

A letter was found inside.

Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. 

the avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the Army. 

My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. 

Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents, I was sparing you. But I can see now that I was really sparing myself.

And I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords. I really do.

Tony shook the box letting a phone and note come out.

 "I'm sorry, Tony. I'll miss you, call Pepper. She might want to talk to you...Love, your friend Anna."

Tony cracked a weak smile at it.

I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should. So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us. If you need me.

Sam looked through the glass of his cell and grinned. Tamara looked up, a breathy laugh fell from her lips as she saw him.

I'll be there.


Aaaaaaand that's that last chapter! Thank you all for reading this book and gaining me so many views from 'On Your Right'. Thank you for the votes and don't be shy to drop a comment.

It took me a little while to get this finished because I did have a doctors appointment about a knee accident. Not sure what's going on in that joint but I'll keep the updates flowing.

I'll have a new book out soon containing the Infinity War movie and continuing the series of Tamara and Savannah's adventures. Not sure on the name but I'll update when I come out with the cast list.

Love ya'll and thanks for reading!

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