Chapter 11

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Steve lowered the Quinjet as Savannah and Bucky unbuckled. 

It looked pretty cold from the snow as Savannah pulled on a jacket and walked over, close to where Bucky had pulled open a selection of guns.

Savannah opened a selection of knives as she put one in her shoe, and another two in her waist pocket.

She put one on her thigh buckle and grabbed a small hand gun as Bucky loaded his rifle.

Steve opened the back hatch as the three stood waiting for it to pull all the way down, a shiver ran through Savannah's body feeling the cold.

"You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve asked out of the blue.

"Was that the time we used our train money?" Bucky asked.

"To buy hot dogs?" Savannah completed his thought with a small chuckle.

"You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead." Steve said as Savannah laughed shaking her head.

It was before Bucky and Savannah had started dating, plus Savannah was over Bucky now, she didn't really care who he dated.

"What was her name, again?" Bucky asked.

"Dolores, I think" Savannah said as she tried to recall.

"You called her Dot." Steve said as he remembered.

Oh yeah....

"She's gotta be a hundred years old right now." Bucky shook his head as Savannah smiled in a amusement.

"So are we, pal." Steve said patting Bucky on the back.

"I still feel like a twenty year old though, this ice thing, makes no sense." Savannah said making the two chuckle.


"He can't have been here more than a few hours." Steve said as they looked at the open doors.

"Long enough to wake them up." Bucky said as they walked through the doors.

Savannah held her gun in her hand as she shivered slightly from the air. 

They rode down an elevator in silence as Savannah took her hair out of the ponytail she had.

"Won't it be easier to fight with it up?" Bucky asked.

"I can't fight if I'm frozen." She answered as she covered her neck with her hair, immediate warmth traveled around her making her warm up.

The elevator dropped to a stop as the door opened.

The three kept their weapons in hand and up in case they needed a use for them.

They stealthily walked around corners and started up a stairway until a loud thud from the elevator caught them off guard. 

They swiftly turned on their heal, Steve keeping his shield ready in front of him while Bucky and Savannah loaded their guns and readied them for use.

"You ready?" Steve asked as the heard the elevator door open.

"Yup." Savannah answered.

"Yeah." Bucky responded slowly.

The door opened as Savannah pressed her finger towards the trigger.

But none of them fired.

"Tony?" Savannah asked, she kept herself ready just incase another fight broke loose.

"You seem a little defensive." Tony said retracting his helmet.

"It's been a long day." Steve responded as the two walked closer to each other.

Settle It Like Hero's (Marvel Civil War)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora